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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189, is this care or not? 

Her pants were bitten by a pit bull. 

It looked up at her, its eyes filled with longing. 

It’s like saying. I’m going to follow you. 

I must follow you! 

In an instant. Alva’s sanity was gone. 

She took the bulldog back to the hotel. 

But looking at the bulldog lying on the ground, the obedient appearance. Alva is funny. 

She hadn’t been so irrational in a long, long time. 

Today, she was irrational. 

And it’s irrational because of a dog. 

When the bulldog saw her look at it, it stuck out its tongue to lick her, which was extremely intimate. 

Alva touched its head, “Since you like following me so much, you can follow me in the future, but I have a request, you can’t follow me when I go to work, you are in the hotel, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. If you run out and get lost, I won’t look for you, understand?” 

It looked at her and blinked, as if it understood. 

Alva smiled gently, “From today onwards, I am your master. Your 

this care or not? 

name is… Candy.” 

Looking at it, my heart is sweet, like sugar 

Alva explained, packed up and went back to the company. 

And Ambrose returned to the company earlier than her 

He dropped her off at the hotel and went back 

Back at the company, he went straight to the CEO’s office. 

There was no one in the president’s office. 

He asked his secretary, “Have you seen Uriah?” 

“I saw it.” 


“About an hour ago.” 

Ambrose frowned slightly. 

An hour ago, that’s about when he went downstairs. 

Just, “Was it Uriah that I saw before I went down?” 

“No, Uriah came up after you went down.” 

He went down and Uriah came up. 

So you missed it? 

Just, what is Uriah doing down there? 

And it didn’t take long to come up. 

care or not? 

What does he mean by going back and forth like this? 

Ambrose’s rare mind was a little confused. 

A few seconds later, she asked, “When did he leave?” 

The secretary looked at the time and said. “About an hour ago, after you went down. Uriah came up and left in the president’s room for a while.” 

“Well. I see.” 

Ambrose sat down in the executive chair and looked at the floor-to- ceiling window where Uriah was standing. 

At first Uriah stood there looking out, then quickly went downstairs before long, and he disappeared from his sight before he could see his face. 

Immediately after he found that there was a car accident below, he thought of Uriah so anxious, he thought that the person below the car accident was related to him. 

But when he went downstairs, he didn’t see Uriah, only saw Alva, and Alva was unscathed, only the bulldog in his arms had something to do with it. 

So, did Uriah freak out because she thought Alva was in a car accident, or was he wrong and Uriah freaked out about something else? 


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