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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 wants to know 

Ambrose had a little headache, a little frustration, and a little unspeakable feeling

For a moment he did not know what to do

Alva said, Ambrose, I’ll ask my teacher.” 

Call Callahan

Five minutes later, Alva looked at him. The teacher told me about a breakfast place with special hot dogs and pasta. Ambrose should try it.” 

All right.” 

What else could he say

They got into the car, Alva said the name of the shop, and the driver quickly dropped them off

Alva, get out. Look at the name

It’s delicious

Well, that’s a very trendy name

Ambrose frowned

That’s a good name

Ambrose,Alva said, this is the store.” 

Go in.” 


Two people go in

Although it was past breakfast time, there were still many guests inside

Alva found an empty seat and soon the waiter came over. What can I get you?” 

Alva said, What’s your specialty here?” 

“French hot dogs, spaghetti.” 

One of these two, then.” 

All right.” 

The waiter leaves

Ambrose looked at Alva, You’re not eating?” 

Well, I had bread this morning.” 

Ambrose leaned back in his chair and looked at her with a smile on his face. I was just wondering what you ate in the morning. You’ve been here so long that you didn’t know where to find breakfast

Not really,says Alva

Ambrose raised his eyebrows. Anything else?” 

Well, bread three times a day will kill your appetite.” 


We usually order takeout at noon and in the evening.” 

Ambrose stopped talking

A person, you do not touch her, do not know her, only from the mouth of outsiders to judge a person is very inaccurate

Alva had been Uriah’s exwife in Ambrose’s mind before he knew her

But after contact, he found that this person more and more makes you want to contact her, want to know her

It’s like you have a circle in your head with nothing in it, but one day, you’ll want to fill that circle

Otherwise, it’s uncomfortable

That’s how Ambrose feels now

Alva did not notice Ambrose’s gaze

She looked around and saw someone filling the soup, which was milky white and looked good

Alva said, Ambrose, I’m going to get two bowls of soup.” 

Try it


Alva got up, went to the soup place, and brought two bowls of soup

Ambrose got up, took a bowl, smelled it, and said, Noodle soup?” 

It seems so.” 

Alva took a sip. It was noodle soup, but it was delicious, with a clear 


It’s delicious.” 

Ambrose also took a sip and said, Nice.” 

The waiter brought the pasta and hot dogs

Pasta in front of him, hot dog in the middle

Ambrose said: Eat a few, I can’t eat all by myself.” 

Alva looked at the little hot dog. It was steaming hot. It was smelling good

She picked one up with a fork, tasted it, and said, Yes, it’s much better than a regular hot dog.” 


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