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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 knew the ending 

Uriah threw the club to the groundsman and left

Just gone… 

Brook reacted and ran after him. Boss Irwin” 

His contract hasn’t been negotiated yet

He can’t throw away such a good opportunity today

But he had barely taken two steps before the groundsman stopped him, Brook, that ball” 

Can’t you see I’m busy?” 

Brook stared at him and trotted forward

But after a few steps, Brook stopped and turned to look at the groundskeeper leaving with the ball. You wait.” 

The groundskeeper looked at him

Come here.” 

Groundskeeper doesn’t know, so go over there

What did you say?” 

Oh, I meant to tell you that Boss Irwin’s goal just went in.” 

FinallyThe end?” 


Brook turned to look in the direction Uriah was leaving

Did you already know the outcome, or did you not care about the outcome

Brook thinks it’s the former

Uriah knew the outcome

Because he’s the one who’s serving

Alva and Ambrose returned to the hotel and went to their rooms

Only they did not realize that they happened to be on the same floor, only three rooms apart

It seems you don’t have to call, you can just knock on the door,Ambrose said with a laugh

Alva nodded, OK, Ambrose, you rest well.” 

Open the door and go in

Ambrose looked at the closed door, smiled, and entered

When Alva returned to her room, she called Philip to make an appointment for the afternoon


Philip, are you free this afternoon? My boss is here and he wants to see your shop.” 

Yes, about what time are you coming?” 

About two o’clock.” 

Ambrose gave her time. That’s the point

Ok, I’ll wait for you in the shop this afternoon.” 


After hanging up, Alva sent Ambrose a message

Tell him she already has an appointment, and she can just show up

Ambrose lay in bed, looked at the text, and wrote back a good word

Close your eyes and rest

Alva got a response, set her alarm, put her phone away, grabbed a pen and paper, and started designing

If she doesn’t set her alarm clock, she loses track of time

Time ticked by and Alva’s door was knocked on

She paused, turned to look at the closed door, frowning slightly

She had been staying for a few days, and it was the first time anyone had knocked on her door

Get up and go. Alva looks at the cat’s eye

Outside the door stood Ambrose, tall and slender in a casual suit

Surprised, Alva opened the door, Ambrose, is it time now?” 

She set the alarm

But the alarm hasn’t gone off yet

Ambrose stood outside the door with his hands in his pockets, looking at the surprise in her eyes and curling his lips, It’s noon, don’t eat?” 

Alva stopped

Noon is to eat

But she wanted to rush out the design, so she ignored it

To eat, only, Ambrose, have you rested?” 

The two ate dinner and arrived at the hotel at about nine o’clock, and now at noon, he didn’t sleep long

Sure, do you see how I look now?” 

Alva shook her head and said, Wait a minute, we’re going to eat.” 

We’ll go to Philip’s after dinner


Alva went in, did not have time to collect things on the table, took the bag and mobile phone went out


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