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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 220

Chapter 220: He Did What She Did 

Alva caught the scent, frowned and opened her eyes

Seeing the face on the table, she froze for two seconds, and her thoughts returned

The noodles were delivered

Alva looked at Ambrose to see if he was finished and noticed that Ambrose was looking at her

And Ambrose touched her gaze, his eyes flickered, his fist pressed to his lips, and he coughed softly

The roots of the ears are not obvious red

Alva, unaware of Ambrose’s abnormality, looked at the file he was still holding and asked, Ambrose, are you done?” 

Ambrose closed the folder. Not yet.” 

Then we’ll see after breakfast.” 


The two had breakfast, and Alva still ate before Ambrose, and when she finished, she said, Ambrose, tell me what’s wrong with the plans.” 

Ambrose wiped his mouth with a tissue and looked at her. I don’t see a problem yet. I’ll let you know when I see one.” 

Good,said Hermione

After Ambrose finished eating, Ambrose said: Go back to the hotel

you rest, I have a good look at your design.” 

Looks like she didn’t sleep last night, dark circles under her eyes

Alva, who was sleepy, nodded, OK.” 

The two went back to the hotel, Alva went to her room and fell asleep in bed, while Ambrose took the design and looked at it carefully

Look at her details, and the fabrics and colors that she says on the side

By the time he finished, it was two hours later

Ambrose took the phone and called Jason


Jason, the design draft for Alva is out. I will send you the fabrics that need to be used. You can contact our previous manufacturers to see if they have any in stock.” 

Jason was surprised

Ambrose send him the fabric he needs

This isn’t Alva’s job, okay

Although in doubt, but still said: OK.” 

Ambrose opened his laptop and emailed the information to Jason

Soon Jason replied, Ambrose, I’ll get back to you when I get the results.” 


Alva slept until noon

She looked at the time and sat up immediately

I wonder what happened to Ambrose

Alva immediately called Ambrose


Ambrose, I’m sorry, I didn’t wake up until now, the design” 

No problem, I have asked Jason to contact the manufacturer of the fabric to be used. I will ask him to contact you then.” 

Alva stopped

It was her job to contact the manufacturer, but the boss did it

Alva didn’t know what to say

Ambrose didn’t hear her and said, You’re listening?” 

Here, Ambrose, I’ll take care of that.” 

He doesn’t have to do it

I’m fine, too.” 

Well, you have rested, it’s noon, go to dinner.” 

Alva said, Ambrose, you go eat, I’m going to design accessories.” 

Ambrose put his hands in his pockets. So, you’re telling me that my boss is so hard on you that you don’t have time to eat?” 

No, I” 

We’ll have dinner in twenty minutes, and I won’t stop you from doing whatever you want after dinner.” 

Ambrose hung up the phone

Alva frowned as she listened to the busy tone on her phone

She didn’t want Ambrose to be special to her, nor did she want her to have contact with Ambrose outside of work


Alva got out of bed to wash

He should be leaving in two days

It was only these two days, after which she did what she had to do

The two went to dinner, Ambrose was true to his word, and after eating, he no longer cared about her

When Alva went back to the hotel, she took out the notes she had taken at Philip’s and began to look through them

But after reading it, she decided she still had to look for Philip

She wanted to stay in his factory for two days to learn the old craft

She thinks she might be better at designing once she gets started

Alva calls Philip

Philip, I’d like to come to your factory and learn some handwork, OK?” 

Sure, I’m at the factory right now, when are you coming?” 

At once.” 

Ok, I’ll wait for you at the factory.” 

Alva gathered her things and immediately went to the factory

All the workers in the factory are busy. Alva enters and sees Philip in the workshop

Philip,he said

Alva called. Walk over

When Philip saw her, he smiled and said, Here you are. I’ve got a place for you. Over here.” 

Good,said Hermione

Alva went over, Philip took the materials, explained to her how to use the tools on the desktop, showed her, showed her himself, and Alva wrote them down

You try, I’ll watch.” 

Good,said Hermione

Alva started to do it, she did it slowly, slowly, one movement at a time, there was nothing wrong

Philip nodded with satisfaction. Good. You’re really smart.” 


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