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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 232

Chapter 232: I’m here to protect You 

What Jackson said to reporters was not a good thing for Uriah. 

Even though there’s not a word of abuse in it. 

“Get out.” 

The cold sound. 

The emotional build-up has reached a climax. 

York turned and went out. 

And as soon as the door was closed. Uriah closed her eyes, just enough to close the torn peace. 

It was an hour later when Jackson pulled up in front of Alva. 

He stood in the doorway and looked at the door in front of him. 

When the door opened, he could see her. 

However, the door opened, and the distance between her and him still did not shorten. 

Jackson smiled in his eyes. 

It’s okay. He can wait. 

They are husband and wife. 

He’s got his whole life. 

Alva is dizzy. 


I don’t know if it is the reason why I often stay up late during this period. 

Or she didn’t eat today. 

I was gonna order takeout, but she didn’t, because reporters were squatting outside. 

So far, she hasn’t eaten anything. 

Lean on the table and let yourself slow down. 

Just as she was falling asleep, the door was knocked. 

Alva frowned and opened her eyes. 

Soon, burying his face in his arms again. 

That knock must be a reporter. 

She’s gonna sleep it off. 

But it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door. 

Alva covered her ears. 

Just then, Jackson’s voice came. 

“Alva, open the door.” 

Alva’s body froze. 

Jackson’s voice? 

Did she hear me wrong? 

He shouldn’t be here right now, and he doesn’t know where she is. 

Jackson’s voice said again. “Alva, if you don’t open the door, I’m going to be cornered by reporters.” 

Alva got up at once, ran to the door, and opened it. 

Jackson stood in the doorway and looked at her tenderly. “Alva.” 

Alva’s eyes widened slightly. “Jackson, you…” 

Jackson hugged her 

Hold tight. 

Alva. I’m coming 

I’m here to protect you 

Alva smelled Jackson and closed her eyes. 

This is the smell of peace of mind 

Ambrose to Paris takes about the same time as Jackson to H City. 

Except Jackson got to II City in the afternoon, and he got to II City in the evening, almost ten o’clock. 

The secretary came to pick him up. 

When he came out of the airport, he saw his secretary, but before the secretary came, several reporters rushed to him with microphones aimed at him. 

“Mr.Ambrose, did Miss Gellar become a designer at AK because of your connections?” 

“Mr.Ambrose, did you know that Miss Gellar is Boss Irwin’s ex-wife 


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