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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235: What to Do 

The car followed Alva to the airport, watched Alva get out, and he followed. 

Alva went through security after her ticket. 

She phoned Finnian before going through security. 

“Dad, I’m at the airport and I’ll be there in about two hours. What hospital is Mom in? Send me the address and I’ll go to the hospital as soon as I get off the plane.” 

“Two… Two hours?” 

Finnian was surprised. 


“Aren’t you in Paris?” 

It takes ten hours to get from Paris to C. 

“I’m back in the States on business.” 

“Oh, well, slow down.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Alva hung up, put her phone in her pocket, and went through security. 

The man who followed watched her go through security, picked up her phone, and said, “Boss Irwin, Miss Gellar is back in City C.” 

As soon as Finnian hung up the phone, he turned to Esme, who was 


sitting on the sofa. Alva’s not in Paris. She’s in America. She’ll be there in two hours.” 

Esme frowns, “So soon?” 

“America must be fast, she asked me to send her the address of the hospital, now what?” 

“Let me see.” 

She’s been having a hard time thinking about it since that call with Alva. 

But for fear of Alva finding out something, she hasn’t been looking for her for a while. 

Finally she figured out a way to get her back. 

Once she’s back, it’s all good. 

But I don’t think so. She’s in America. 

I should have called her ahead of time to find out where she was. 

Finnian saw Esme for a long time did not speak, a little worried, “You said Alva to know that we are lying to her, will she be angry?” 

Esme suddenly glared at him, “What are you angry about? Who are we? Elders, elders, do you understand?” 

“I know, I know, don’t be so loud.” 

“Can you mind if I don’t speak up on this?” 

“Am I not trying?” 

“You don’t care!” 


Alva arrived at the airport just before midnight. 

Her phone turned on, the text came in. 

“Alva, we’re in the inpatient department of the city hospital. Building 3, 902.”? Alva calls Finnian. 

Soon, the phone answered, “Dad, I got off the plane. How is Mom?” 

“Out of the emergency room, but she’s not awake yet.” 

‘What did the doctor say? 

“The doctor said she hit her head, so far there’s nothing wrong, and we’ll see when she wakes up.” 

Alva squeezed the suitcase. “How did you hit your head?” 

The head is very important, and the slightest mistake can cause big problems. 

She was worried. 

“I don’t know. I’ll have to ask her when she wakes up.” ? “Ok, I am out of the airport, first of all, I will take the car to the hospital.” 

“Dad waiting for you.” 

After hanging up the phone, Alva took a taxi to the hospital. 

And right now, H City, an elegant western restaurant. 

Jackson and Bella sat in the box with a cup of coffee in front of them. 

Jackson looked at Bella. “Thank you.” 

All that stuff on the Internet and the moment he saw Bella being interviewed, he knew. 

She did it. 

Although the reports were initially damaging to Alva. 

He still had Bella to thank. 

Bella stirred the coffee with the spoon, her fingers curled gracefully. 

Jackson said, “You would have told me that the lawyer had been changed. You are now licensed with Alva.” 

She had a smile on her lips, but she didn’t look smiling. 

Jackson took a sip of his coffee and said, “I didn’t know until later. By the time I knew, it was too late.” 


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