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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237: The Heart is Torn 

Bella’s mouth is pressed against Uriah’s face, as if the picture is frozen. 

She didn’t move. 

“Is that what you mean by thinking?” 

For a long time, Bella spoke, her lips removed from Uriah’s face. 

Uriah looked at her, his voice low. “Or?” 

Bella curled her fingers. 

After a few seconds, a smile, “This makes you angry?” 

“Uriah, I haven’t done anything yet.” 

He just told the truth. That’s what he did. 

So if she did something, what would he do to her? 

Bella’s lips rose, she sat upright, looked ahead, and slowly said, “Uriah, some things are done, and you can never go back.” ? “Like the child you gave up before he was born.” 

So, what are you gonna argue with Jackson about? 

In the beginning, you lose. 

There’s nothing I can do to affect this outcome. 

Car stops at the hotel. Bella gets out. 


As soon as she stood still, the car passed in front of her. 

He doesn’t like anyone getting in his business, no matter how much he cares about them. 

You step in, you cross his line. 

Bella’s eyes were mocking. 

His coldness, his ruthlessness, she had seen two years before. 

But now she seems to know him. 

Uriah went back to the hotel, threw his suit jacket on the couch, sat down to the side, and rested his head on the couch. 

Then, close your eyes. 

And as he closed his eyes, his eyes flashed back to that night two years 


Alva was lying on the ground covered in blood, her face white ast 


She looked at him, hoping, longing, begging. 

She said, “Uriah, this is your baby, he’s more than four months old, he’s formed…” 

“He moves in my stomach, he’s good, he’s obedient, he never bothers me, he’s really nice.” I beg you, keep him…” 

“You can punish me all you want. I only ask you to keep him, even if you let me die, Uriah…” 

“Uriah, I beg you, for the sake of our one-year marriage, save our child, 

I beg you…” 


The cries of supplication seemed to be in his ears. 

It seems like yesterday. 

Suddenly, her voice changed, became hollow, wooden, “Did you love me? Even a little.” 


His heart suddenly tore, and Uriah sat up, covering his heart. 

The pain he had never felt before invaded his veins, and he did not know what to do. 

Sitting there, head bowed, hands clutching the shirt on his chest, eyebrows locked, motionless. 


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