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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239 promised 

Alva spoke slowly, and Esme bumped into the wall, but managed to gather some strength after hearing Alva’s voice. 

So it didn’t hit the wall with much force. 

But even that made Esme dizzy. 

She spent a lot of money trying to get Alva back. 

Alva saw Esme and said, “Dad, call a doctor!” 

Finnian didn’t expect Esme to hit him and rushed to the doctor. 

In order to convince Alva, Esme ran into a wall shortly after hanging up on Alva. 

That was a big hit. It was a thump. 

I didn’t expect it to happen again. 

He’s really worried. 

Finnian will bring the doctor soon. 

The doctor examined Esme, took her to the film, and the results came back quickly. 

Alva quickly asked, “Doctor, how is my mother?” 

“From the current film, there is no problem, but I look at your mother’s condition, I think it is still necessary to observe this night, this night observation, and then do a test in the morning.” 


Alva came to the hospital bed and looked at Esme with concern and groaning, “Esme, you don’t do anything stupid, I promise you.” 

Esme heard her, not ouch, “Really?” 

“Well, I kid you not.” 

“Then you bring your son-in-law back, you have been married until now, our family has not eaten, you bring your son-in-law back, mother make a good meal for you to eat.” 

Esme had a glint in her eye. 

If they both come back, then what can’t be fixed? 

Alva frowns. 

Why did she get Jackson to come? 

Their current relationship doesn’t allow it, and with Uriah watching her, she wants to bring Jackson home. What’s he gonna do? 

“Esme Jackson is busy and travels a lot. I don’t think he can come.” 

“A lot of travel? Then how can you let me have grandchildren?” 

“He doesn’t travel every day, and we’re always together when he’s not.” 

“How can that work? You’ve already had one birth, it’s not easy to get pregnant, you have less chance to stay together, how can you get pregnant? How can I have grandchildren?” 

“No, you must call your son-in-law, or I will run into the wall!” 

Struggling to get up, Alva quickly held her down, “I promise you, I’ll try to get him to come over, okay?” 


“You can’t try, you must!” 

“You call him right now, I’m his mother-in-law anyway, and even if you owe him five million dollars, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s my son-in-law!” 

“Fight, fight at once!” 

Alva’s heart hurt. 

But she suppressed the pain and said, “It’s already early in the morning. He’s rested. I’ll give it to him first thing in the morning.” 

Esme wanted to say that in the wee hours of the morning, his mother- in-law was lying in the hospital, and he was still in the mood to sleep. 

But Finnian is one step ahead of her and said, “Esme, we’re not in a hurry. Our son-in-law is a busy man. We’ll make a fuss to him tonight. 

Finnian said, winking at her. 

They owe this son-in-law five million dollars. 

Don’t rush it. 

Esme then said, “OK, call tomorrow morning, if you don’t call, I will jump off the building.” 

“I’ll play, Esme, and you rest. I’ll be here for you tonight.” 

“Well, you’re not going anywhere.” 

At the hospital with her. 

Otherwise she won’t trust. 


“Go home, Finnian. I’ll watch Esme in the hospital.” 


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