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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280: Back to America, I’m afraid 

York looked at the people who had stopped, clicked on his phone, and pulled out the latest stories. 

“Boss Irwin.” 

Hand Uriah the phone. 

Uriah did not answer. He looked ahead, his dark eyes dark. 

“Book A flight back to A city tomorrow.” 

“All right.” 

Alva packed up in the morning and went to work. 

After arriving at the company, she sorted out the previous materials and put them together in a folder. 

When she was ready. Jason came by. 

“Alva, Ambrose wants you in his office.” 

“All right.” 

Alva picked up the organized folders and went to Ambrose’s office. 

Ambrose came to the company early and knew Alva would bring him what he wanted today, so he kept looking at previous Alva designs. 

He wondered what her accessories would look like. 

He was curious. 


Looking forward to it. 


Alva come in. 

Ambrose looked at her. “Sit down.” 


Alva sat down on the couch, and Ambrose pressed the inside button, asked the secretary to bring in two cups of collee, and sat down next to Alva 

Alva put the file in front of him. “This is all the design.” 


Ambrose opened it and flipped through it one by one. 

He looked at Alva and explained. 

Time goes by. 

An hour later, Jackson nodded, “ok! That’s it.” 

He got up and gave her a document. “This is the fabric manufacturer that AK has been using. Take a look and choose.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Alva took it and looked at him. “Ambrose, thank you.” 

It was her job to do, but he did it. 

And it’s not just that. It’s a lot more. 

She was grateful. 


Ambrose looked at the sincerity in her eyes, and his familiar light shone in them again. 

Such Alva is confident and charming. 

“If you really thank me, you will design your work so that the world can see you.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

She’s lucky to have a boss who appreciates her so much. 

Alva went back to the department, opened the file, and began to look 

at the various manufacturers inside. 

Some of these companies she knew about, some she didn’t. 

There was one thing she hadn’t thought of 

Many of these manufacturers are American. 

There are very few abroad. 

She probably counted only ten foreign manufacturers. 

She is familiar with the factory trademark out, not familiar with the mark out, two categories. 

Then unfamiliar to the Internet to look up, understand, do detailed research. 

Soon, the day passed. 

As night covers Paris, Alva frowns as she looks at the data she has compiled. 

The manufacturers she’s going to use are all American. 

She doesn’t need any of them over here. 

Smile, this is going back to America? 

Alva thought about it, took her phone and sent Ambrose a message. 

“Ambrose, do you have a moment now? I want to ask you a few questions.” 

The text came back quickly. 

“Come to the general office.” 

Alva looked at the news and was shocked. 

Ambrose is still with the company? 

She looked at the time. It was almost six o’clock. 

It’s past closing time. 

Alva went over there with the files, 



Alva went in, and Ambrose sat behind his desk, reading papers. 

He seemed very busy. He didn’t even look up at her. He just said, “Come here.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Alva walked over and stood at her desk, and Ambrose finally looked up from the file and looked at her. “You say, what’s the problem?” 

Alva handed over the information, “I want to ask why most of AK’s 

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suppliers are American?” 

Ambrose looked at the manufacturer’s name she’d marked and laughed. “Why do you think?” 

Alva thought for a moment and said, “Cheap?” 

Ambrose nodded. “That’s a point, but there’s another point.” 

Alva looked at him. 

“I love the old American craft.” 


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