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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285: He became a stranger 

The living room was filled with a faint smell of milk and bread, and the indifferent villa had a little smoke 

Bella wrapped her apron and put the omelette on the table. 

Hearing the voice, she looked around, her eyes fell on Uriah, her lips. bent, “Uriah, good morning 

Her long hair straightened, straight back of the head, face painted delicate light makeup, natural without a flaw 

She looked at Uriah with a smile in her eyes, a smile on her lips, at smile on her face, as if nothing had happened, like a wife waiting for her husband to return, gentle and virtuous. 

Uriah looked at her, and the trance in her dark eyes vanished the moment she spoke, and nothing seemed to have changed. 

Dark and deep as usual. 

“Good morning.” 

Uriah walked over. 

Bella walked over. 

She stopped in front of him, her eyes resting on the collar of his wrinkled shirt. 

Raised his hand, smoothed the folds of his collar, then looked at him and said softly, “Go wash your hands and eat breakfast.’ 

Uriah looked into her eyes, and the pride in them seemed to have been 

Chapter 285: He became a stranger 

smoothed away, and all that remained was soft. 

But if you look closely, you will see the dark color inside. 

Hidden repression. 


Uriah goes to the bathroom. 

Bella looked after him and went to the kitchen to get the milk. 

Uriah went out and sat down at the table and took a knife and fork to 


Bella picked up the glass and drank. 

Just looking at Uriah while drinking milk. 

“How long are you back this time?” 

Put down the milk glass, picked up the knife and fork, cut a sandwich into his mouth, and looked at Uriah. 

Uriah raised his eyes to her face. “It depends.” 

His voice was as indifferent as usual, his eyes were still dark, and he could not see his emotions. 

But those eyes seemed strange to Bella now. 

The strangeness made her feel as if she had never known this person. 

Bella curled her lips, put down her knife and fork, folded her hands on the table, and looked at Uriah. 

“Did you miss me?” 

Chapter 285. He became a stranger 

283 Wouchers 

Uriah took a sip of milk and a tissue to wipe his mouth, all while looking at Bella without blinking. 


The moment he put down the tissue, he said. 

Bella’s smile widened. “I missed you, too. I’ve been dreaming about it.” 

Uriah got up. “Leave the table to the waiter.” 

Go upstairs. 

Bella sat in her chair, looking pretty. She looked at her plate and ate a third of her breakfast. Her smile faded. 

Uriah, you’re not thinking what I’m thinking. 

Alva arrived at the hotel. 

After washing, she turned on the computer and read the information. 

An hour later, she left the hotel and went to a supply company. 

What she needs needs to be supplied by about ten companies. 

Six of them are in A city, and several others are in other provinces and cities. 

But it doesn’t matter, she first confirmed in A city, then go to other provinces and cities. 

She calculated the time. Half a month tops. These suppliers need to settle. 

Alva went to Fantastic clothing co. first. 

This company has decades, is an old company, their fabric is very 

Chapter 285 He became a stranger 

1288 Vouchers 

good, and a lot of varieties, and many companies have cooperation. 

AK has been working with them for years. 

She called the person in charge in advance, so when she got to the office, the front desk took her upstairs. 

“This is our manager.” 

“Said the receptionist. 

Alva nodded and reached out, “Hello, I’m Alva, the designer of AK.” 

The manager took her hand and smiled, “Hello, I’m Manager Lester One of Fantastic.” 

They sat down, the manager asked his secretary to bring in coffee, and they began to discuss. 

That’s a morning. 

Lester takes Alva on a tour of their factory. 

Something she needs. 

Alva looked at it and was satisfied, “Give me some of these fabrics and I’ll try them on first.” 


Lester had Alva’s fabric wrapped up and taken away. 

By this time, it was noon. 

Lester said, “Miss Gellar, I’ll host you for lunch and take you to A city special.” 

Alva smiled, “That’s not necessary. I’m in a hurry and have a lot of 

Chapter 285: He became a stranger 

1288 Vouchers 

things to do. If I have a chance, I’ll ask Manager Quiller.” 

“Oh, you came a long way, how can you please, you have time to call me, I invite you.” 

“Well, I’ll go now.” 

“Okay, call me if you have any questions.” 

The two split up and Alva gets in the car and goes to a pizza place to finish lunch. 

After eating the pizza, she went back to the hotel and dropped it off at another company. 

Sun clothing co., Ltd. 

This company is opposite Fantastic, one on the cast and one on the 


It just takes a little longer to Scorching sun, so it’s almost three o’clock into Scorching sun. 


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