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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 293

Chapter 293 is about to go 

“Jackson, your grandfather is ill. Do you have time one of these days to come and see your grandfather” On the phone. Flora says worriedly 

Jackson elenched his phone “Grandpa’s sick? What’s going on?” 

“The old man is old, suffered a little cold, originally not so serious at the beginning, but I don’t know how to serious, became pneumonia. you have time or come back to see the good.” 

Flora’s voice was worried. Jackson frowned. “Well, I’ll be back 


“Good,” said Hermione. 

Jackson hung up the phone and looked into the distance. 

From here, you can see the back of Xiannu Mountain lying prone. 

He wanted to go to Fairy Mountain with her, but now I’m afraid I can’t. 

Jackson returned to the reception room, where Alva was making plans with a pen and paper. 

Anything that comes up, she writes it down and reprepares. 

She doesn’t like it when things are out of her control. 

Jackson sat down next to her and watched her earnest eyes. 

When she works, she completely forgets everything around her. 

Alva made plans and was relieved. 

Chapte 241 is about to go 

When a cup of coffee was handed to her, she accepted it and said, “Thank you” 

He took the coffee and drank it. 

But when her lips touched the coffee, Alva paused and looked at the other person. 

Jackson was watching her with doting eyes. 

Alva put down her coffee cup and said. “I’m sorry. I forgot you again.” 

“It doesn’t matter, I wish I hadn’t forgotten you.” 

Alva looks outside. Primo hasn’t come in yet. Looks like he’s still looking. 

“Why don’t we go to the workshop?” she said. 

He’s sitting here by himself, and she’s not talking to him. 

It’ll be boring. 

“Are you finished?” 

“Well. I’m done for the moment.” 

“Come on, then. Let’s go to the workshop.” 


Alva took a sip of coffee and went out with Jackson. 

In the workshop, the employees are busy, and when they see them, they turn their eyes and continue to be busy. 

Completely unaffected. 

Alva knew that they were piecework and had a tight schedule. 

Alva watched them do it. Seriously. 

Jackson followed her. 

He doesn’t understand that, but with her, everything makes sense. 

As the sun was setting outside. Primo approached Alva and said apologetically, “Sorry, Miss Gellar. I looked everywhere I could and found some extra gold thread.” 

Alva nodded, “OK, I see, thank you.” 

She has made plans. If she can’t find it today, she will go to another factory tomorrow. There are many factories here. 

She spent a day looking for it. 

If she can’t find it tomorrow, she will go back the day after tomorrow, dye it with another kind of thread and make it the color of gold thread. During this period, she will not break the connection here, and she will ask Primo to send it to her as soon as there is gold thread here. 

That’s the solution she came up with today. 

Manager Robert also came out. “It’s getting late. Let’s find a place to eat.” 

Primo said, “There’s a real specialty restaurant in our town. Let’s go there.” 


A few people went to a special restaurant and sat down at the table. 


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