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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 295

Chapter 295: How can I find it 

“Where is the sericulture factory concentrated?” 

The man was stunned, not expecting Uriah to suddenly ask this question. 

But soon, he realized. “It’s almost all over this area.” 

“We have been raising silkworms for many years, and the tourism industry has only developed in the past two years. 

“So Boss Irwin’s investment here is a sure bet!” 

The man said with great excitement. 

But Uriah didn’t respond when he finished. 

When Uriah did not respond, the people behind him were afraid to speak, and the atmosphere fell silent again. 

The man smiled dryly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. 

Why does he feel so cold when it’s a hot summer? 

“Isn’t Boss Irwin interested in the sericulture in our sericulture town?” 

The silence was not enough, the man asked. 

Uriah looked ahead, eyes narrowed, and finally spoke. 

“Kind of.” 

The man’s eyes lit up, immediately said: “That’s good, our sericulture town is also a major feature!” 


“Boss Irwin wants to see if 

The men who followed immediately looked toward Uriah. 

Finally, under these caper plances, Uriah’s throat spilled a low single syllable 


Alva and Primo go to the nearest one first, then the far one, which 

takes less time 

The two went to two factories, and Primo took her inside, asked people she knew inside, and then helped find the gold thread 

I went to both houses and I couldn’t find them. 

And it was already ten o’clock 

Alva looked at the time, then ahead. “Let’s go to the next house” 

*All right” 

Knowing that Alva was in a hurry. Primo dared not delay and took her to the next sericulture factory on the battery car 

On the battery car. Primo said “Before the two factories were smaller, this one is bigger, the chance of gold wire is more” 

“Good,” said Hermione 

Twenty minutes later, when the two arrived at the factory, Primo led her inside and called the factory manager 

Soon the manager came down. 

“This is Miss Gellar, AK designer,” Primo said. 

The manager immediately said, “Hello, I’m Mick, the manager of our factory:” 


“Miss Gellar asked for some gold thread,” Primo said. “See if you can find it. It’s not much. 

Mick says. “When you called me yesterday I asked the warehouse guy this morning and said no.” 

Alva, “Can you look for it?” 

“Yes, but Miss Gellar will be disappointed. ” 

“Never mind. I want to look.” 

“Yes, this way, please.” 

Several people went to the warehouse and looked for it together in the warehouse. 

Half an hour later, it ended in disappointment. 

Alva frowns. 

“Excuse me. Miss Gellar.” Mick said. 

Alva shook her head. “It’s okay, let’s go to another factory.” 

Primo suddenly said. “Why don’t you go to the workshop and have a look? Have they used the workshop before and confiscated it or forgotten it after putting it in the workshop for a long time?” 

Alva looks at Mick, “Manager Nixon, is that all right?” 

“Yes, I’ll take you there.” 

Soon several people went to the workshop. 

All the staff in the workshop were busy Mick asked the workshop supervisor to come over and tell him the situation. Soon the workshop supervisor arranged someone to find the workshop. 

Alva’s looking for it, too. 

Find what you can, and replace it with something else. 

An hour later, no one had found anything. 

Alva said. “Thank you, Mr. Nixon.” 

“It doesn’t matter.” 

Two people leave. 

Primo looked at the time and said, “Miss Gellar, it’s almost noon. Let’s go after dinner.” 

Is it noon? 

Alva tells the time. 

It’s 11:30. It’s noon. 


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