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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 301

Chapter 301 Found it! 

It’s Jackson on the phone. 

He messaged her last night and asked her to call him back in the morning. 

She forgot. 

Alva put down her suitcase and took it. 


“Isn’t it busy?” 

A soft voice came, and Alva’s face floated apologetically, “Yes, I’m sorry, I saw your text message, I was going to call you, but I forgot when I was busy.” 

“It doesn’t matter, that’s how you are. You forget everything when you get busy.” 

It doesn’t matter, but the voice is helpless. 

“Well, did it go well? Have you found the gold thread?” 

“No, I’m waiting for my car now. I’ll be back in A city later.” 

“Well, it will take me about two more days to get here.” 

“It’s okay, you don’t have to come, you are good with grandpa, grandpa is the most important.” 

Jackson heard the concern in her voice, her lips bent. “I went to see Grandpa yesterday, and Grandpa said I didn’t bring his granddaughter- 


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“I was scolded very badly.” 

Alva clutched her phone, her lashes drooping. “I’m sorry, I should have gone with you.” 

She should see the old man when he’s sick. 

“It doesn’t matter, you’re busy, you can’t come this time, next time.” 

After a pause, he said, “Alva, Grandpa is very important to me. I want you to meet him.” 

“He said wistfully. 

Alva looked up ahead, her eyes fixed. 

“I will, as soon as I have ordered the sample in two days.” 

Even for a day. 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

A phone call came in. 

Alva looks like it’s Primo. 

Alva said, “Jackson, I have a call. I won’t talk to you. I’ll call you later.” 

“It’s okay, you’re busy.” 

After hanging up, Alva answered Primo’s phone. “Primo.” 

“Miss Gellar, are you in the car?” 

“No, the driver hasn’t contacted me yet.” 


That’s wonderful! 

He sounded excited, like something good was going on. 

Alva thought of something, heart clenched, clenched the phone, “What’s wrong Primo?” 

“I just got a call from Manager Nixon. He said he found a bit of gold wire!” 

Alva’s eyes lit up. “Really?” 

“Really, he wants us to go and get it now.” 

‘That’s wonderful! 

‘I’m coming now! 

“Don’t move. I’ll come and get you.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Soon Primo rides over and takes Alva to the sericulture factory. 

It was the one they went to yesterday morning. 

Once at the factory, Primo leads Alva to Mick’s office. 

Mick sees them and immediately brings over a box. 

“Look at the gold thread you asked for, Miss Gellar.” 

Alva looked at the box with disbelief in her eyes. 

She couldn’t even handle the box. 

These two days for the gold wire she is with hope and despair, but also experienced the risk of the design draft almost leaked. 


Now, just as she’s leaving, tell her the wire was found. 

She was afraid it would be another dream. 

Alva’s fingertips quivered as she opened the box and her eyes turned red when she saw the golden thread. 

Cover your mouth and turn your head. 

When Mick saw her look, he froze. 

Primo was also stunned. 

But he quickly thought of something and said, “Miss Gellar, this is so exciting.” 

Yesterday Alva’s eagerness for the golden thread and not giving up were in her eyes. 

Now seeing the gold thread found, her heart was untenable. 

When Mick heard Primo say this, he also remembered the appearance of Alva looking for gold thread yesterday, and nodded with understanding. 

Alva blinks quickly, turns around and looks at the two with a smile on her face. “Sorry to make you laugh.” 

Primo, “It’s all right Miss Gellar, you looked for it for a long time yesterday, and I’m so relieved that you found it.” 

Mick said, “It’s my fault too. I came into the office this morning and immediately remembered that a client wanted to know about the gold thread. I took it to him. 

“When I got it back, I left it in my locker and forgot about it.” 

“If I’d remembered earlier, Miss Gellar wouldn’t have had to go all this way.” 

“I’m sorry, Miss Gellar.” 

Alva shook his head, “Manager Nixon, I don’t blame you for this, but I thank you. This line really means a lot to me. I can’t thank you enough.” 

‘she said, bending over solemnly. 

Mick quickly picked her up, “I can’t afford to Miss Gellar!” 

“Yes, I can.” 

Alva straightened up and said, “How much? I’ll give it to you now.” 

The sample is not much, but it also needs money. 

They can’t give it to her for nothing. 

“I don’t need the money. It’s just one, two, two, very little.” 

“Yes, I will.” 

“Miss Gellar says so, then use this gold thread, if you can use it, take it from me.” 

“Mick said. 

Alva was stunned. 

She first contacted Primo and wanted to take it from Primo, and now she takes it from Mick, which is… 

Primo seemed to know what she was thinking and said, “Miss Gellar, you don’t have to worry about me. We don’t have much gold thread here. You ask Manager Nixon for it. 

Mick laughed, “Yes, Miss Gellar, all the factories in Silktown are like this, one gets enough goods from another, helps each other, makes money together, you don’t have to worry about it.” 

“In that case, I am relieved. If the finished product can be produced this time, it may need a lot of quantity, and you all have to prepare in advance.” 

“No problem, Miss Gellar. We’ll be in touch.” 

“Good.” said Hermione. 

Take the wire. Mick takes Alva to the hotel. 

“Miss Gellar, this trip was worth it.” 

“Primo said. 

Alva nodded, “Yes, thank you, Primo.” 


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