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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306: You Wake Up 

Alva packed up early in the morning, went to the station, got the ticket, and went to D City. 

D city is not very far away from A city, it takes four hours to get there by car. 

Her ticket was at 7:00 a.m., arriving in D City at 11:05. 

I took a cab to the hotel I’d booked in advance, packed up, and Jackson’s phone rang. 

“Are we there yet?” 

“Just arrived at the hotel, and you were really on time.” 

Alva laughed. 

And she was gonna call him when she was ready. 

“I can’t help but think that the time is approaching and you haven’t called me yet, so I’ll call you.” 

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” 

Alva said softly. 

“I’m so relieved to hear your voice is fine.” 

“It’s eleven o ‘clock, you clean up, go to dinner, and then go to work after dinner.” 

“Yes, how is Grandpa?” 


“It’s stabilized these two days, but I still need to stay in the hospital for observation.” 

“Well, you take good care of Grandpa.” 

“Then you are busy, I won’t keep you.” 


Hang up, Alva pack up. 

With her things packed, she clicked on the map on her phone, looked at the addresses of the places. 

Four companies are in City D, but City D is large, and the companies are far apart. 

There are only two that are slightly closer. 

Alva looked at the route and calculated the time. If it went well this afternoon, he could run the two companies, if it didn’t go well, he could only run one. 

And the other two have one morning and one afternoon. 

Time is tight. 

Alva thought for a moment, opened her notebook, pulled up the data, and called the heads of these companies. 

She got to know about their company first, and then she decided which one to go to. 

The phone answered and Alva said, “Hello, this is Alva, the designer of AK.” 

“Hello, Miss Gellar.” 


“I was wondering if your company has white goose down in stock at the moment?” 

“Yes, but not much.” 

“Ok, what time do you start this afternoon? I’ll be there at about one o ‘clock.” 

“The office hours are 1:30, but it’s okay, I’m at the office, you come over at 1:00 and we’ll talk then.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Alva hung up and called another company. 

So after the three company calls, she probably set a time. 

With her materials and plans in order, she packed up, went out for a bite to cat and then went to Blue feather Corp. 

Blue feather Corp. was the company that made her first call. 

Specializing in the production and processing of goose down company. 

She is particular about keeping warm in winter clothes. 

Wool is used. 

Between goose down and goose down, she chose goose down, goose down is more environmentally friendly than duck down, and has no odor, does not need to add other chemical ingredients, and does not harm the human body. 

In foreign countries, goose down is highly respected. 

Of course, goose down costs more than duck down. 

But AK is a high-end brand, it launches a new brand, its quality will 

not be lower than AK. 

Soon Alva arrived at Blue feather Corp., and as soon as she got there she called the person in charge. 

The superintendent will come down immediately. 

“Hello Miss Gellar, I’m the manager of Blue feather. My name is Pete.” 

“Hello, my name is Alva.” 

“Miss Gellar, this way, please.” 

They go upstairs and Pete asks Alva, “Does Miss Gellar want to see our goose down?” 

“Yes, I have designed a dress that needs this, and I want to see the quality of your goose down.” 

“No problem, I have the sample right here, I can show you right now.” 

“Ok, because I have to go to another company later, so I don’t have much time, so I might be in a bit of a hurry.” 

“It’s okay, I’ll get it to you now.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Pete takes her to his office, takes a box out of a cabinet, and opens it. 

“Miss Gellar.” 

“All right.” 

Goose down white like snow, processing is very good, very fine. 

She picked it up and touched it. It felt nice and soft. 

She sniffed again. 

And it doesn’t smell. That’s good. 

“Yes, but let me ask, do you have any chemicals in here?” 


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