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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330. She did it, didn’t she 

Jackson, look at the paper, do you know where my phone is? Look at Alva, “What do you need a phone for?” 

There was undisguised concern in her eyes. 

Seems like a small thing. 

Alva took a pen and wrote on paper. This time she wrote a little longer. 

Jackson didn’t peek. He watched her write, and when she finished, he read. 

“Let me simply say that this injury was an accident, but this accident could have caused a child to have an accident, and I want to call and 


She had been in a good mood since she woke up, and he guessed it had nothing to do with Uriah. 

But just because there’s no connection doesn’t mean there’s no 


He didn’t ask, just waited until she could talk before he told him. 

Now that she’s brought it up, Jackson’s upset. 

“Can you call now?” 

Jackson looked at Alva. 

Alva smiled wryly and wrote on the paper, “No.” 

“But can you ask for me?” 

Chapter 330 She did it, didn’t she 

285 Vouchers 

Alva, show that to Jackson. 

Jackson asked. “Ask what?” 

“Where is she now? How is she? Is she all right?” 

Jackson looked at the words and nodded, “OK.” 

Alva smiled. 

Jackson took out her cell phone and handed it to her. 

When he arrived, the bodyguard gave him Alva’s bag. 

When he got the bag, he turned off her phone. 

He didn’t want any phone calls to disturb her. 

Call him selfish, call him irrational, he did it. 

Alva always thought the phone was on, so she pressed it directly, but the phone didn’t light up, she wondered. 

What’s the matter? 

Your phone’s broken? 

With a smile on his face, Jackson took his cell phone and turned it on. 

Alva looked at him in surprise and subconsciously asked, Jackson said first, “I didn’t want to disturb you, so I turned off my phone.” 

Hand her the phone. 

Alva blinked, and that was it. 

I just don’t know if GA has called her in the past two days. 

  1. She did it, didn’t she 

Alva read the message, no unread message, it seems GA that there is no problem. 

As long as there are no problems. 

Alva hits the address book, pulls Vicky’s number out, and calls it. 

She called and handed the phone to Jackson. 

Jackson took it, looked at the name on the screen, and narrowed his 


Alva saw him look at the phone motionless, the hand fell on his hand. 

Jackson looked at her. 

Alva asked with her eyes, “What’s wrong?” 

Jackson looked into her eyes and shook his head. “Nothing.” 

Put the phone to your ear. 

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is off…” 

Jackson’s eyes twitch. Put him on speaker. Give it to Alva. 

Alva frowned when she heard this. 


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