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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344: The Unsolved Problem 

Black suit, black shoes, sunglasses, a cold exit from the airport. 

That strong aura and strangers do not enter, as well as excellent height, instantly attracted the attention of the next person. 

Look and look, eyes are amazing. 


Alva’s hand clenched involuntarily. 

Jackson looked cold. 

And seems to feel, looking at the front of the people with their eyes to 

look over. 

And then, stop. 

York is on the phone. 

Every time he gets off the plane, there are a lot of phone calls. 

But when Uriah stopped, he stopped. 

He looked at Uriah, but saw that Uriah did not answer the phone or do anything, but looked at a place. 

York looked in the direction Uriah was looking. 

Shut up. 

Alva and Jackson are in the front. 


They are also looking at Boss Irwin. 

York moved his eyes, picked up his phone and walked out first. 

Alva looked at Uriah. who was still cold and inhumane. 

He hasn’t changed at all. 

Jackson looked at Uriah, too, and the chill in his eyes deepened. 

The last thing he wanted to see was Uriah, whom he always saw. 

He’s like a demon, running around outside his marriage, threatening to destroy everything he’s worked so hard to build. 

Alva was the first to look away and say, “Let’s go.” 

I thought if I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t remember it, and I did. 

However, always want to see, and then think of many, many. 

In the end, there is only hate. 

A strong hatred. 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Jackson put his arm around Alva’s waist and walked her to security. 

Uriah’s eyes fell on Jackson’s hand around Alva’s waist, and his face. seemed cooler and thinner in sunglasses. 

He turned his eyes, looked ahead, and stepped out. 

York stood outside the airport answering the phone. 

The end of a phone call is another phone call. 


Business is busy. 

Suddenly, a powerful aura hit, and York looked to the side. 

Uriah came over, opened the backseat door and sat in. 

There was no pause. 

When York saw it, he opened the passenger seat and got in. 

Soon the car merged into the traflic. 

York looks ahead, hangs up, turns around and asks, “Boss Irwin, The Flower of Liss, or the company?” 

Uriah had taken off her sunglasses and was looking out the window. 

He just looks more merciless with his sunglasses off. 

“The company.” 

York Wetten, seeing his face, said: “OK.” 

Most of the time, Boss Irwin will go home first after a business trip, and he will only go to the company if the company is particularly urgent. 

But there’s nothing urgent at work today. 

Uriah looked out of the window, his eyes dark, still unable to see the bottom, but the outside scene did not fall into his eyes. 

He had eyes for something else. 


Alva and Jackson get on the plane. Jackson’s ticket is first class. They sit down. 

Jackson looks at Alva. 

She doesn’t look well. 

Squeeze her hand and say, “Want to hear a joke?” 

Alva sat by the window and looked out the window 

She turned her head at Jackson’s words. 

“A joke? 


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