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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 352

Chapter 352: Worry and Unease 

“Sign the contract.” 

The unique cold voice seems to be a little more cool than in the past. 

Beck froze. 

Sign a contract? 

Boss Irwin, are we buying this? 

Alva, Jackson, Flora, get in the car. 

As soon as they were in the car, Jackson started the car and drove forward. 

The atmosphere in the car is somewhat subdued, and Flora sits in the back seat and looks at the two silent people sitting in front of her. 

Jackson looks bad. She knows it. 

Alva brought Uriah here when she couldn’t see her, and Jackson blames her. 

But she is also wronged, she clearly read the information before coming, and now… 

Trying to explain, not knowing how or where to say it, Flora closed her mouth and remained silent. 

Alva’s silence is not Flora’s fault, but her feeling that she will never be able to leave Uriah. 

Wherever she is, he’s there, a constant reminder of his presence. 

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She didn’t want that. 

Don’t want to be controlled. 

But she couldn’t help it. 

Jackson looked ahead, palms on the steering wheel, eyes deep. 

Uriah’s presence here was no accident. 

He even thinks he did it on purpose. 

Tell him that if he wants something, he will get it. 

No matter how he does it. 

It doesn’t feel good to be sworn in like that. 

So Jackson didn’t blame Flora; he was upset about Uriah. 

the car drove back to the Howard Family and several people got out. 

Jackson looked at Alva. Her eyelids were down and her face looked bad. 

You could tell she was in a bad mood. 

Take her hand, softly, “Let’s go to the room.” 

Alva looked at him, his eyes as gentle as ever, and made her unsteady heart settle a little. 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

The two go upstairs, and Flora looks on, apologetic and worried. 

Although she did not know what was going on today, she felt that she had made a mistake today. 

Very wrong. 

Jackson and Alva went back to their room. The door closed. Jackson looked at Alva. “Don’t be afraid. He won’t do anything to you with me around.” 

When she saw Uriah, she was troubled. 

He gets it. 

She’s scared. 

“Jackson, Uriah didn’t do anything. But he was always there for us. I was worried about what he might do.” 

She wasn’t afraid of what he did to herself. 

She’s afraid of what he’ll do to Jackson. 

She was afraid he’d hurt Jackson. 

Seeing the worry and uncertainty in Alva’s eyes, Jackson took her face in his hands with a firm, piercing look. “Alva, if you don’t trust me, you have to trust Bella.” 

“She wouldn’t let Uriah do anything.” 

Bella, such a proud person, she would let Uriah do whatever she wanted? 


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