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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 374

Chapter 374: The Slow-moving Undercurrent of Calm 

A layer of the same black suit, black sunglasses, a cold. 


Two men, also in suits, followed him, laptops in their hands, suitcases. 

Three people walking in the airport, the aura of the powerful let people 


The driver waiting outside saw Uriah and came immediately. 

He took the suitcase, put it in the trunk, and quickly got in the car and drove away from the airport. 

Alva arrived at AK before work hours. 

But it’s okay. The doors are open. You can go in. 

She didn’t go to the design department. She went straight to the design office. 

When we got to the studio, the door was open. 

Alva was surprised. 

Someone before her? 

She smiled as the image of GA crossed her mind. 

It should be GA. 

She works the most actively. 

I didn’t expect to see Venus instead of GA. 

Venus is standing at her desk, looking at the file. 

Take notes as you read. 

She was serious, focused, and she didn’t even respond when Alva 

walked in. 

Obviously I didn’t hear you. 

Alva was surprised to see Venus. 

She didn’t think it was Venus in here. 

Alva walks over to Venus to see what she is doing. 

She remembered that her work had been finished yesterday. 

But when she comes to Venus, Venus hears the footsteps and looks at her, eyes wide open quickly, “Alva?” 

Obviously, Alva was surprised to be here at this time. 

Alva laughed. “Come so early. Did you have breakfast?” 

“Yes, did Alva cat?” 

Say what comes to mind, take the phone to check the time. 

It’s not even 8:00. 

“Why is Alva here so early today?” 

Alva put her bag down. “Aren’t you carly?” 

Before she did. 


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Venus smiles sheepishly, “I’m afraid I can’t do the job Alva asked, so I came early.” 

Alva said, “You did a good job.” 

Her words were not comforting, but true. 

Venus did a really good job. 

Careful, serious, responsible. 

She is satisfied. 

“Keep it up.” 

“Well, I’ll try!” 

“You are busy, you can ask me if you don’t understand anything.” 

“All right, Alva.” 

Alva’s busy. 

It wasn’t long before GA came. 

Only before she came in, she cried, “Alva!” 

Loud voice coming in, Alva curved lips. 

The design office is much more lively with GA. 

GA runs in, “Alva, I’ve got something good!” 

GA came in and saw Venus standing in the design room, full of good mood was broken instantly. 

Venus looks at her, smiles and says, “Good morning GA.” 


“Good morning.” 

In a neutral voice, he looked at Alva and lifted what was in his hand. 

“Alva, look what I’ve got.” 

Put the stuff on Alva’s desk. 

Alva looked at her mysterious appearance, funny, “Let me guess I must be able to guess, can you look directly?” 

“Alva, take a guess.” 

Alva thought. “Food?” 

“yes! Bingo!” 

Alva was surprised. 

Is it really food? 

GA took out the insulated bucket in the bag and said, “I see no blood on your face, I asked my mother to make some nourishing soup for blood, you have a taste.” 

GA lid unscrew, instant a fragrance permeates the design room. 

Alva started. 

Only Jackson and Flora will make the soup for her, and no one else will make it for her, including her relatives. 

But now that GA had asked her mother to make it for her, Alva didn’t know what to say for a moment. 

GA saw Alva looking at soup, wondering, “Alva, what’s wrong?” Don’t you like it? I tell you, my mother says this soup is good for you, try it, it smells good.” 



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GA picked up the spoon and put a spoonful on Alva’s lips, blowing as she put Alva’s lips, “Alva, come on, taste it.” 

Alva looked at the milky white soup in the spoon. The fragrance ran down her nose and into her body. It seemed to warm her whole body. 


Alva blinked her eyelashes and took the spoon. “I’ll do it myself.” 


Drink the soup from the spoon. 

GA immediately asked, “What about what?” 

Alva nodded. “Delicious.” 

Looking at her, her eyes were gentle, “Thank aunt for me.” 

GA waved her hand, “It’s okay, my mother is fine anyway, I’ll let my mother do it every day after you drink well.” 

Make Alva fat. 

Alva quickly said, “No, today is fine.” 

“Oh, come on, aren’t you my sister?” 

Alva gave a chuckle. 

“Never mind, I’ll eat the soup and you go about your business.” 

“Yes! You must finish it!” 

“It will, don’t worry.” 

How could she waste her heart? 

GA is busy, Venus is still standing there, reading the data, taking notes, but the writing of the notes is not so neat. 

It was just before noon when Alva received a phone call from the manager of the American supplier. 

“Miss Gellar, I sent you the things you asked for two days ago, I wonder if you got them.” 

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Alva recorded the phone number of each supplier manager on the mobile phone, and also noted which company and which manager, so the manager of this phone knew which company. 

“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy these days and haven’t had a chance to see it, I’ll check it out later and call you back later.” 


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