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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 385

Chapter 385: A pair of eyes looked at her 


GA heard Alva’s voice and immediately put the phone to her ear. “Alva!” 

Cry excitedly. 

“GA, I’m fine. I’ll go to work this afternoon.” 


GA froze. 

Alva continued, “Don’t worry, I’m fine, work hard, and I’ll check on you and Venus this afternoon to see if you two have been lazy.” 

Hang up the phone. 

GA listened to the busy tone in the mobile phone, a little confused. 

Alva said it was good? 

Let her do her job. Check on her work this afternoon? 

Is Alva really okay? 

Venus comes over to see GA looking like a dork. 

“GA, how’s Alva? Are you better?” 

GA immediately reacted and said happily, “Alva will come this afternoon!” 


Venus frowned invisibly and smiled quickly. “That’s nice.” 

“I haven’t seen Alva for half a day. I’m still not used to it.” 

GA said: “Alva said that he would come to check on our work in the afternoon, so we rushed to finish what we were doing, and didn’t want to be finished when Alva arrived.” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Venus turns and goes to work. 

Just stopped two steps and said, “Isn’t Alva sick? Will you come this afternoon?” 

GA heard Venus say this, suddenly tight eyebrows, “Yes, Alva is sick, how can you come so soon?” 

“No. Alva is not well, she hasn’t recovered before, but now she is ill 

and needs a good rest!” 

Venus, “Yeah, Alva works so hard she can’t burn herself out.” 

“Yes! I’ll call Alva right away and ask Alva not to come in this afternoon.” 

It doesn’t matter if Alva doesn’t show up with Ambrose. 

GA immediately called Alva. 

But the phone is in a state of no answer this time, GA frown, “Alva ist not answering the phone…” 

Venus, “Call back later. Maybe Alva is doing something.” 

“It’s the only way.” 

GA, put the phone down. 

Venus says: ‘You can text Alva first and she should reply when she sees your message.’ 

GA’s eyes lit up and she nodded. 

Text Alva. 

Venus sees that GA has sent the message before she goes to work, only to say: “GA, is Alva not very well?” 

Before GA could speak, she said, “I see Alva is very thin and there is no blood on her face. I am really worried.” 

Isn’t GA worried? 

Alva is her favorite person, her idol, her role model, and she wants Alva to be well. 

Alva, of course, is a workaholic. 


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