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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 402

Chapter 402: Marry Me 

Alva paused, then said, “I guess I’m tired.” 

GA nodded, “I see her spirit today is really not very good, always make mistakes, if she was never like this before.” 

So Venus is really not feeling well, just afraid they will worry. 

“Well, I’ll give her a call tonight and ask.” 

“I’ll fight too!” 

“Good,” said Hermione. 

Alva can’t tell Venus is wrong. 

She made a lot of mistakes today. She didn’t do very well. 

It’s not the same as when I was careful. 

If she’s really not feeling well, that’s all. 

But it’s not. 

Alva can tell. Venus is up to something. 

At 8:00 p.m., Jackson came to pick up Alva. 

He didn’t ask when he saw GA and no Venus. 

Alva says to send GA home, GA strongly disagrees. 

Said not to disturb the two people of the world, he stopped the taxi and left. 


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Alva gets in the car with Jackson. 

When she gets in the car, Alva calls Venus. 

However, no one answered the phone. 

She thought for a moment and punched another one. 

When no one answers this time, she sends Venus a message. 

Call Venus when you get home. 

Venus is a girl who worries even though she doesn’t know what she’s hiding from herself. 

You have to ask. 

I didn’t think Venus picked it up. 


A husky voice came. 

Alva heard this and her heart tightened. “Venus, do you have a cold?” she asked. 

The voice is so hoarse. 

“No… I don’t have the flu, it’s just… I just choked on my water.” 

“Alva, what is it?” 

“Are you sure you don’t have a cold? Not sick?” 

Alva is still worried. 

“No, Alva, don’t worry.” 


Venus really doesn’t sound sick. 

Just a soft voice. 

It’s like you have no energy. 

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Alva said. “I was just wondering if you’re feeling down today. Is something wrong?” 

“No, I just didn’t sleep well. I’m sorry to trouble you today, Alva.” 

“It’s okay, you…” 

Venus interrupts, “Alva, I’ve got a phone call, I’ve got to go.” 

He hung up the phone. 

Fast Alva didn’t even notice. 

Alva frowned slightly, took down her cell phone, and looked at the hang-up. 

She thinks something’s wrong with Venus. 

Jackson sees Alva frowning and asks, “What’s wrong?” 

Alva shook her head and looked ahead. “It’s okay.” 

She just doesn’t think Venus is right. 

Alva thinks about it and sends Venus a message. 

Over here, in a duplex, Venus is lying on the sofa, sweaty, and Felix is on top of her, both gasping for breath. 

On the ground, the table is strewn with two people’s clothes and pants, 

very messy. 

Venus recovers and looks at the crystal chandelier overhead. 


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