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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 


Xander Hughes

I drove recklessly into the hospital worriedly, and pulled over roughly at the parking lot. I advanced toward the entrance door once I alighted from the car, and by the time I got to the floor where Mom was admitted, I was stunned to find Lisa sitting along the walkway with her face. buried between her palms

I had gotten a call earlier from the doctor that Mom’s health was deteriorating

LisaI walked up to her, and she rose to her feet and sighed

Good thing you are here–” 

Is everything alright? Have you been able to see Mom? Is she ok? What did the doctor say? Have you seen him?I bombarded her with questions, and she slowly nodded

He said that her health got worsen. She has been put under life control machine for now, but he is not sure if she’ll be fine this time without surgery,Tears welled up in her eyes as she held her gaze low

Don’t cry. Everything will be fine,” I wasn’t sure of that assurance because even I was scared, but I had to be strong as her older brother. She would be broken and might lose all hope if I was down also, so i had to pull myself together

You don’t have to cry,I pulled her into my arms and embraced her warmly

Are you sure Mom will be fine? I’m scared, Xander. I’m really scared,Tears poured down her cheeks once she pulled away from me and looked me straight in the eyes

Hmm,I only nodded and forced a smile, trying hard not to break down also. Acting tough and pulling myself together while bleeding inside was really hurting me, but sadly, there was nothing I could do about it

Trust meShe will,I felt guilty for lying to her, but I had to

I’ll be back. I want to go see the doctor,I patted her shoulder before leaving. I paused along the walkway once I arrived at the front of the emergency room where I saw my Mom lying helplessly on the bed with her eyes closed and an Oxygen tank over her face while the machine beside her was beeping slowly. From the readings in the machine, her pulse was low but she was still breathing

I’m not going to allow you to die, I promise,I had no idea how I was going to go about this, but I knew I really had to

Brushing all the thoughts to the back of my mind, I proceeded toward the doctor’s office and arrived in no time. I was ushered in, and his smile welcomed me 

XanderIt’s been a while,” 

HmmIt’s been a while,I forced a smile as I sat on the empty chair across from him

How is the health status of my mom, Henry? I leaned forward and looked him straight in the eyes

I won’t lie to youHe paused then sighed and reclined on the chair. It’s not any better,His reply made my heart skip a beat, and as the 

12:19 Mon, 1 Jul 

Chapter 98 

thought of losing her flashed through my mind for a split second, I shrieked mentally

Is there anything that can be done?” 

Surgery,Was his only reply


Is there any other surgeon we can reach out to?I didn’t want to pressure Summer about this. I didn’t want her to think that I brought her to stay with me in order to cajole her into doing this

There are many surgeons out there, XanderHe paused, and I leaned forward, waiting to hear the rest while hoping whatever he had to say to me would favor me

But we need to get this right just once as it’s the only chance we have. If it fails this time, then you might lose your Mom, and the only person I trust to do a good job and get this right once, is that Ms. Summer,” His reply left my heart broken, but I slowly nodded, regardless

I will find a way around it. Thank you,I stood up and left his office

What did the doctor say? Did he say Mom will be fine?Lisa hurried up to me as soon as I stepped out of the doctor’s office, and bombarded me with questions 

HmmThe doctor said she’ll be fine,I forced a smile, and she breathed out in relief

That’s a relief. I’m so happy. I was losing my mind earlier,She smiled excitedly

We stayed at the hospital for a few more minutes before leaving

You didn’t bring your car?I turned to Lisa and asked once we arrived at the parking lot and I didn’t spot her car anywhere around

No, I didn’t. I had to take a cab down here as soon as I got the call. My hands were shaking, so I could not drive,She smiled at me, and I nodded

Do you need a ride or are you going to take a cab?I pulled the car door open and waited for her to reply me 

It’s been a while. I’ll ride with you,” She hopped inside the front seat of my car before I did

The seatbelt. Don’t forget that, I reminded her as I fastened mine, and I heard her scoff

Where are you going?I glanced at her as I started the car and reversed before driving out of the compound

I have no idea. Want to hang out together?She looked at me with a cheerful smile on


No, I don’t want to,I shook my head, and heard her scoff

Whatever!She huffed and looked out of the window

I’ve not asked you thisHow is your relationship with Nick so far?I broke the silence that crept into the atmosphere after her last word, and she looked at me surprisingly

Did I say anything wrong?I raised my eyebrows as I glanced at her and took my attention back to the road

*I’m just surprised you are asking about my relationship,” She shrugged, and I nodded. She must’ve been surprised since I was never interested in her personal life


12:19 Mon, 1 Jul G. 

Chapter 98 

And now that I’m asking?I shrugged, and she exhaled sharply

My relationship is fine and our love is blooming” 

The look on her face when I looked at her didn’t confirm what she said. She rather looked sad and trying to hide it

Lisa?I pulled over at the side of the road, and she looked at her, batting her eyelashes

Why did you pull- 

Is everything alright? You don’t look happy. Is Nick hurting you?I looked at her, and she scoffed after she gave me a long stare


What are you doing now? Being a protective brother, huh? It doesn’t fit your personality. You should keep being the jerk that you are,She 

rolled her eyes and turned her face away

Look at me, Lisa!I ordered her, and when she looked at me, her eyes were brimmed with tears. 

Is everything alright? Is Nick hurting you? Did he do something to you? Talk to me, what did he do to you?I tried to keep my cool, but it was difficult to. Seeing the tears in her eyes was stirring up anger in me, but I needed to get my facts right before I do something I would regret 


Her tears fell freely down her cheeks as she turned her face away and held her gaze low

Is it a crime for a woman to love a man?

Chapter 98 


Xander Hughes

I drove recklessly into the hospital worriedly, and pulled over roughly at the parking lot. I advanced toward the entrance door once I alighted from the car, and by the time I got to the floor where Mom was admitted, I was stunned to find Lisa sitting along the walkway with her face. buried between her palms

I had gotten a call earlier from the doctor that Mom’s health was deteriorating

LisaI walked up to her, and she rose to her feet and sighed

Good thing you are here–” 

Is everything alright? Have you been able to see Mom? Is she ok? What did the doctor say? Have you seen him?I bombarded her with questions, and she slowly nodded

He said that her health got worsen. She has been put under life control machine for now, but he is not sure if she’ll be fine this time without surgery,Tears welled up in her eyes as she held her gaze low

Don’t cry. Everything will be fine,” I wasn’t sure of that assurance because even I was scared, but I had to be strong as her older brother. She would be broken and might lose all hope if I was down also, so i had to pull myself together

You don’t have to cry,I pulled her into my arms and embraced her warmly

Are you sure Mom will be fine? I’m scared, Xander. I’m really scared,Tears poured down her cheeks once she pulled away from me and looked me straight in the eyes

Hmm,I only nodded and forced a smile, trying hard not to break down also. Acting tough and pulling myself together while bleeding inside was really hurting me, but sadly, there was nothing I could do about it

Trust meShe will,I felt guilty for lying to her, but I had to

I’ll be back. I want to go see the doctor,I patted her shoulder before leaving. I paused along the walkway once I arrived at the front of the emergency room where I saw my Mom lying helplessly on the bed with her eyes closed and an Oxygen tank over her face while the machine beside her was beeping slowly. From the readings in the machine, her pulse was low but she was still breathing

I’m not going to allow you to die, I promise,I had no idea how I was going to go about this, but I knew I really had to

Brushing all the thoughts to the back of my mind, I proceeded toward the doctor’s office and arrived in no time. I was ushered in, and his smile welcomed me 

XanderIt’s been a while,” 

HmmIt’s been a while,I forced a smile as I sat on the empty chair across from him

How is the health status of my mom, Henry? I leaned forward and looked him straight in the eyes

I won’t lie to youHe paused then sighed and reclined on the chair. It’s not any better,His reply made my heart skip a beat, and as the 

12:19 Mon, 1 Jul 

Chapter 98 

thought of losing her flashed through my mind for a split second, I shrieked mentally

Is there anything that can be done?” 

Surgery,Was his only reply


Is there any other surgeon we can reach out to?I didn’t want to pressure Summer about this. I didn’t want her to think that I brought her to stay with me in order to cajole her into doing this

There are many surgeons out there, XanderHe paused, and I leaned forward, waiting to hear the rest while hoping whatever he had to say to me would favor me

But we need to get this right just once as it’s the only chance we have. If it fails this time, then you might lose your Mom, and the only person I trust to do a good job and get this right once, is that Ms. Summer,” His reply left my heart broken, but I slowly nodded, regardless

I will find a way around it. Thank you,I stood up and left his office

What did the doctor say? Did he say Mom will be fine?Lisa hurried up to me as soon as I stepped out of the doctor’s office, and bombarded me with questions 

HmmThe doctor said she’ll be fine,I forced a smile, and she breathed out in relief

That’s a relief. I’m so happy. I was losing my mind earlier,She smiled excitedly

We stayed at the hospital for a few more minutes before leaving

You didn’t bring your car?I turned to Lisa and asked once we arrived at the parking lot and I didn’t spot her car anywhere around

No, I didn’t. I had to take a cab down here as soon as I got the call. My hands were shaking, so I could not drive,She smiled at me, and I nodded


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