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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 104

I gather the bed sheets cover into my hands, fisting it tightly with my back arching up while I'm about to reach my ecstasy.

The door flung open and I sat up straight with my legs parting. Luckily the duvet is covering my naked body and the bed surface.

"Mommy, where is daddy?" Mathew and Mason both stood by our bedroom door catching their breath.

"Honey, daddy is going for a run," I told them

'Yeah kids he's running between your mommy's legs,' Alera jokes through our link and I shut her off immediately as now I felt hands gliding over my thighs.

His breath vibrates in me, sending shivers to my whole body before shuddering me into pieces but holding it within biting my lips so hard.

"Baby, would you go wait for mommy downstairs. Let me change first and then we go look for daddy" I bit my lips in the end as the pressure is getting intense again.

"Okay mommy" they both agree

"Lock the door" I call after them in which they did it and right when it's closed and locked.

"Ahhhhhh, yes Matttt'' I let out a shuddering scream that I have been holding in.

Thank goodness for the man who invented the idea of these soundproof walls.

The duvet was removed and my chest was moving up and down trying to catch my breath after an intensive orgasm.

Matt was giddy with delight as I flipped him over, my hand going around his neck while I kissed him and his hands snaking around my waist holding me in place as I slid down on him.

“hmmmh, Matt you feel so good in me,” I moan and he slaps my ass cheek

“That’s right, give it to me baby,” he whispers and I start to ride him hard until my body shudders in pleasure and again I was flipped over and found my back on the silky sheets with him between my legs.

I looked down between my legs while panting after another round and found Matt smirking at me. He winks, wiping off his mouth before grabbing his shirt and pants.

I started to laugh and before we knew it we were both laughing when we recall how our kids walked in on us.

Yet, luckily they didn't see anything as the duvet was big enough to cover us both and besides they are too innocent to notice anything intimate.

He looked as if he wanted to go but then suddenly he came back and carried me bridal style in the shower which almost took another two hours.

When we were done, we dried ourselves and put on our clothes before he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you" I call after him as he climbs out of the window.

"Yeah, yeah, love me enough to make me climb out of the window. I can't believe I'm doing this in my own house," I laugh walking up to him as he is about to jump down.

"Hey, remember what I told the kids earlier," I kissed him on the lips and reminded him, in which he pouted in return.

"Now go have that run, I'm sure Thunder needs it too. I'll be downstairs with the kids" he pecks me on the lips again and jumps down blowing kisses in my way as I catch it and put it on my heart.

I watched him as he shifted into his wolf and ran into the woods. I swear we're like teenagers sometimes over a year and yes we're all over each other.

So what, we have fallen in love back again once everything has been healed and long forgotten.

I smiled while rubbing on my flat stomach that carries our soon to be edition and walk down to look for our now six years old twins.

We just found out yesterday that I am pregnant and Matteo was over ecstatic. He is so over the moon that he is going to be there when this one is born and he has made a vow that he won't miss his/her birth.

To celebrate it, he pops some champagne for himself and makes me drink juice and eat veggies with the twins being spoiled with their favorite food and snacks.

How amazing he is and the extra celebration was, you all know how we spend our night and this morning together behind closed doors.

In all that they 're all happy to find out that we're going to have another pup in the family and my two boys couldn’t wait to have another sibling.

"Mason, Mathew" I called out as I made my way down the living room.

They surprisingly came out from their hidden place and screamed ‘BOO’ at me.

I jumped up screaming while holding my chest and luckily I didn't have any heart attack.

Oh gosh I told you before these two are the death of me. I turned to scold them both but their father came inside the house calling them over.

I try to calm my breath with my right hand still on my chest and the other on my stomach.

I saw their father whisper to them before they both nod their head and turn towards my way.

They walked with their heads hung low and when they stood before me they looked up with almost teary eyes.

Bonus Chapter 1


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