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Life After the Storm novel Chapter 79

I feel more powerful now than I ever have now that I let myself feel for Landon and forgive him. I know that this will help make the right choice on what needs to be done with the pack. I just hope that Landon and I will agree on whatever is best for the pack. I still am curious why the pack still hasn't named Landon as the Alpha there really isn't anyone else that is more capable of keeping them safe than Landon God I hope they don't make a dumb decision.

I feel a strong-arm wrap around my waist. "Hey, Beautiful I'm going to go and get Jayden and get ready for the memorial."

"Wait, I thought we were going to talk about what will be best for the pack."

"Lilly, it's starting rather soon, and I need to make sure Jayden is ready. Can we finish this later please."

"I guess I just wanted to have a plan going in just in case the pack is in a dark place and just want revenge."

"Lilly it will be okay we will get our revenge you can count on that but let's remember those that we lost first."

"Revenge isn't what I seek, Landon, we need to come up with something else. I am tired of all this fighting, aren't you?"

"Lilly, we have to avenge those we cannot let them get away with it. Don't you think it would show weakness on our part as a pack?

"Maybe it shows strength as we forgive Those that hurt us. There is no doubt that we will be able to destroy them. I am just wondering if it's worth it."

"What do you mean if it's worth it they have hurt everybody around us, they've killed our loved ones you don't find that enough reason to hurt them back."

"Please Landon don't get upset with me, it's just I'm tired of all the violence I don't want this to be my life."

chapter 79 1


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