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Lost Me, Gained Regret (Jane and Bryant Ferguson) novel Chapter 24

I had fooled myself into thinking that was what Bryant was, but deep down, I knew Emma was aware of the history between Bryant and Margaret. Emma couldn't find the words to persuade me otherwise.

When I zipped up the last of my suitcases, a car engine finally broke the silence in the yard.

Bryant was back. Perhaps Emma had said something to him as he stormed up the stairs, his gaze landing on the line of suitcases before settling on my forehead, his voice surprisingly hoarse. "What happened to your forehead?"

I let out a self-deprecating laugh. "Nothing. Just had an accident while you were out on your date."

His usually impassive eyes flickered with surprise.

Standing by the bed, I clenched my hands. "Bryant, we need to..."

‘We need to get a divorce,’ I said silently.

I had made up my mind, knowing there was no turning back. But seeing the man I'd loved for seven years, my throat closed up, making it hard to utter those words.

Was it him I was clinging to, or just the passionate version of myself when I was in love with him?

"Jane!" Bryant's sharp call cut through my words. He closed the distance in a few strides and wrapped his arms around me. "This is your home. Where do you think you're going with all these suitcases?"

"Don’t touch me!" I was hit by a mix of woodsy cologne and women's perfume, making my stomach churn, "Let me go, Bryant!"


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