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Love at first sight novel (Judith Cooper) novel Chapter 3222

Lydia glanced at the car’s sound and continued to eat her barbecue.

“Grandma, I’m back.”

Evan’s voice sounded. He even got out of the car with a bouquet of flowers in his arms and called Grandma May as he came over, saying before she even got close, “It smells so good. In this weather, it’s best to have a barbecue.”

Winter in Wiltspoon was like this. Yesterday, it was so cold that people shivered, and old ladies didn’t like to go out. Today, the temperature has risen. Now it’s almost noon, the sun is shining in the sky, and it feels a bit hot.

In winter, they occasionally cook barbecue by themselves, but they usually have this leisure time during holidays.

Unlike Grandma May, she could eat and bake whenever she wanted, leisurely.

Evan thought that when he got married and had children in the future and his son could take over as soon as he became an adult, he would immediately leave the business to his son, retire early, and live the leisurely and comfortable old age life that his grandma had now.

Happier than the gods.

“Fourth Young Master.” Sam smiled and said hello.

The old ladies who accompanied Grandma May, chatting about everyday things and gossiping, also smiled and said hello to Evan.

They envied Grandma May the most because she had nine grandsons. Except for the two youngest young masters who had not yet entered society, the other seven young masters all knew that they were the best among men and were very capable.

Even though the two youngest young masters have not yet entered society, their strong academic performance ensures they will not remain in the pool in the future.

Not only were the grandchildren excellent, but they were also very filial and kind to Grandma May.

The York family had great business, and Grandma May was really envious of them.

Usually they chatted with Grandma May, gossiped, or reminisced about the poor years, but Grandma May just listened and refused to talk because she lived better than them in that poor era, and she was all-powerful before.

Chapter 3222 1

Chapter 3222 2


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