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Love in full bloom novel Chapter 9

Qin Yichen stirred up an unpredictable mood in his heart, like anger or something else.

“ Sharp teeth! I will see how long you can insist on!”

He pushed the door open violently.

She suddenly fell down on the floor like a deflated ball.

The one should marry him was not her.

He should be her brother-in-law.

If Mo Mengshan married him, she would be better. She was brought up according to the standard of a rich wife . she went to noble schools,accepted all kinds of training and her dressings were all name brands.

And she was just a free-range tomboy!

Where was Mo Mengshan?

She hoped that she came back and helped her out of the hell. But she was also afraid that she came back, Xiaowu’s lifesaving money would be gone if she came back.

She was too contradict to see any hope.

At this moment, her father called her.

He worried his daughter very much, he was afraid that she would be wronged.

“ Dad, don’t worry, I’m very good here. His father hasn’t come back from abroad, his mother is very kind and Yichen was also gentle. They are all kind to me. I intended to visit the Old Qin, but she is accepting a new treatment, it’s not allowed to visit her, so I am ready to visit her several days later.”

Mo Qinyu tried to replied with relaxed tone, however, hearing her father’s voice, the tears couldn’t help flowing out.

“That’s great, we can rest easy now.” her father said.

“Did my uncle ask for the bride-price again?” she choked up with sobs.

“ They changed the words. They asked half of the money. I gave it to them after discussing with your mother. Aftering paying off the debt, there is three million left, it should be enough to cure Xiaowu.” he signed.

Mo Qinyu tightened her heart.

Three million yuan, it was not enough to send Xiaowu abroad to have treatment.

They always said that the love between brothers is deep, however, once involved in money and benefits, it became bullshit!

Uncle’s family was always taken care by Qin family, they were rich. When Xiaowu had that accident, her father went to borrow money, they refused her father , even a penny. Finally , her father was almost to borrow usury.

But now, they became so shameless to ask for the money.

When she was silent, her father said again,” You give me a card number, I will send you some money to buy clothes. Rich people pay attention to their face, you should notice that.”

“No, Dad. I have many allowance here even can’t use them up. I will send them to you every month. You and my mom have to take care of yourselves. Xiaowu need you two.” She wiped the tears on her face,”what’s more, my cousin gave me many clothes before, I put them in a box, dad, send it to me.”

Mo Mengshan’s clothes were piled up as a small mountain. The clothes that she was tired of or she didn’t want would give her.

She never wore them because Mo Mengshan was half a head shorter than her, there were rare clothes fit her.

But now they were available.

After the call from her dad, she took out a card from her bag.

Aunt Mei gave it to her yesterday. According to the old lady’s instructions, she had 150 thousand allowance every month.

She didn’t to spend the money before, however, she had to bow in a difficult condition.

She needed money now, she wanted to save enough money to send Xiaowu abroad.

The box arrived at the third day.


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