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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Tell Me When Someone’s Done You Wrong “D-Damien, you…” Madelynn was greatly confounded.

The fact she had been staying in Damien’s liouse gave their relationship an ambiguous vibc, as il she was his.

Now, however, if she were to stay in a house that belonged to both him and Clarissa, what did that make hier? A guest, or a person living under someone’s roof?

She, a celebrity, couldn’t afford to buy a house of her own?

Damien didn’t say anything. He simply waited for the liousing bureau employee to handle the procedures.

Once the deed was ready, he passed it to Madelynn. “Here, you can hold on to it. You’ll probably need it for a lot of other things.”

“W-Wait, Damien…” She was about to say something, but he had already turned to Clarissa, saying seriously, “Next time, just tell me when someone’s done you wrong. Don’t just come home and cry about it! Let’s go!” He grabbed Clarissa’s hand and dragged her out.

Monica nudged Madelynn, anxious, “What’s going on?”

“How should I know?” Madelynn bit back in frustration.

Her eyes were filled with hatred as she watched Damien and Clarissa leave.

Damien had mentioned that someone had done her wrong” Clarissa had probably spun a tale about her!

Clarissa! This isn’t the end!

Back in the car, Clarissa was still dazed. She didn’t know what Damien meant by this.

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She felt that he was probably putting on a show for Madelynn. Aller all, he was the president of a public listed company, and the paparazzi would have a field day if they were to find out that a female celebrity was staying in a louse belonging to him. Adding Clarissa’s name to the deed would be a good way to avoid a scandal, which would allect his company’s share price.

Whatever it was, their contract had clearly stated that Damien’s assets had nothing to do with her. Since her name could be added to a property deed, it could also be easily removed. He wouldn’t even have to explain a word.


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