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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Sandalwood Scented Soap Late, after work. Clarissa told Lily about everything that had happened, then asked how much her raise was. “Me? 2,000 dollars.” Lily’s cyes gleamed. “That’s pretty good.” Clarissa’s face fell. 2,000 dollars…

She could have so many more pizzas with an additional 2,000 dollars a month.

“Instead of coming out with me, you should’ve gone home with him. Who asked you to say such harsh things this afternoon?” Lily said. “You should go home after we’ve shopped around for a while. You need to strike the iron while it’s hot.” Clarissa silently agreed. She wasn’t an idiot; it wouldn’t be worth it for her to give up on a raise for the sake of her dignity. As they strolled around, they came across a shop that sold many local brands.

Clarissa even saw Roy, a brand of sandalwood-scented soap that she’d used as a child.

Before going to university, she had always been using this soap. She would be enveloped in the scent of sandalwood after bathing, and she loved it. She couldn’t buy it anywhere after going to university, though.

This time, she bought several bars of it and stuffed them into her bag, almost as if she’d sound a treasure.

Ahead of them, there was a classic-looking building. It had been roped off for filming

“Come on, let’s go and check it out. Maybe we’ll see some celebrities.” Lily was excited

“Haven’t you seen celebrities before?” Clarissa was annoyed at the mention of celebrities. Lily dragged her to the front of the crowd. They saw a few extras dressed in Victorian-era clothing “Miss York’s coming!” someone said.

A car stopped on a nearby street, and Madelynn got out. Clarissa frowned. Why was Madelynn everywhere? It looked like she had a lot of work. She’d just finished filming “Dear Dr. Hill”, and now, she was already filming Uris Victorian-era show.

Madelynn caught sight of Clarissa as she walked over to the set. It was perfect timing. She wanted to humiliate Clarissa.

“Miss Johnson.” Madelynn was dressed in Victorian-era clotlung, showing off her cinched waist. “I have to say, the food you cooked was delicious. I was starving that day, so Damien gave me his food. He didn’t eat anything that afternoon, though.”

Clarissa’s blood boiled at the mention of this.

Also, she wanted to know where they’d gone two days ago.



tomorrow, and it’s only normal for him to care for a guest of ours. Don’t you agree, Miss York”

Madelynn glared daggers at lier. ‘She just has to have the last word!’ She then happened to glance at Clarissa’s bag.

It wasn’t zipped, and there were so many bars of soap in there that the bag was bulging. It was easy for others to see what was inside. “I have a show to film, so I’ll get going.” Madelynn left. ‘I can’t believe she’s using such cheap soap! She’s a disgrace to Damien.’

When Clarissa got back to the villa, she threw away all of her anger and annoyance, forcing herself to put on a smile. After all, she wanted Damien to give her a raise.

“You’re back?” Damien was reading downstairs, and Grandpa had already gone to bed.

“Yeah. Hubby, I’m going to prepare the ingredients for tomorrow,” she said with a smile.

At her expression, Damien knew that his trick of using money to make her give in had worked. Earlier this afternoon, she’d said that she didn’t want to cook anymore. Yet now, she was . preparing the ingredients for the next day

When she was done, she said to Damien, “Hubby, I’m going to shower. You should go to bed earlier too.” “Alright.” His gaze was trained on his book, and he responded absent-mindedly. While showering, Clarissa used the sandalwood soap that she had just bought. She put on some fuzzy pajamas before walking over to the bed.

Damien was already in bed.

He was ready to admire the show that Clarissa was going to put on, but when he caught a whiff of her scent, he immediately sat up straight.

“What’s that smell?” he asked.

“What smell?” She was drying her hair. “I don’t smell anything.” “Come here.” He gestured for her to go over to his side of the bed. She got into bed, and he pulled her into his arms. Her fuzzy pajamas felt very comfortable, and her scent refreshed him.


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