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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 Necktie When Clarissa was done eating, she washed her lunch box and found that she still had some time to rest. She scrolled around on her phone for a while. Then, she happened to see that Madelynn had commented on Damien’s post. The woman had posted a salivating expression, and also wrole something else. Madelynn: (Wow, it looks delicious!) Clarissa’s smile immediately disappeared as an unsettling feeling took over her. She knew that Madelynn’s every step was calculated, and she wondered what the latter was up to this time.

Damien soon replied to Madelynn.

Damien: (Clarissa made this.)

Madelynn’s comment was buried among a ton of other comments, so this small interaction didn’t catch anyone’s attention. Clarissa suppressed her rage and replied to Madelynn. Clarissa: [If you want some, you can always come to our house. I’ll cook this for you.) Slie selt her response was one that showed how generous she was, while also emphasizing her role as the matriarch of the family.

Madelynn replied to Damien again.

Madelynn: (Damien, Clarissa’s inviting me to your house. What say you?) Damien: (Sure.) Clarissa tried to suppress her anger.

Clarissa: (How about noon, this weekend?]

Madelynn: (Sure.) Clarissa’s good mood had dissipated, thanks to Madelynn. After work, in Damien’s car. He asked Clarissa, “You’re friends with Madelynn on Instagram? How’d that happen?”

“She came to look for me when you went to Florin… We just added each other.” Clarissa wanted to say that Madelynn wanted to see the proof of her miscarriage, but she didn’t. It wouldn’t bode well for her to talk bad about Damien’s true love to his face.

“Why was she looking for you?” Damien didn’t let the topic go. “She wanted to tell me her father saved your life.” Clarissa’s tone was mild, and she didn’t say anything else. Damien frowned, falling silent as well. After dinner, Clarissa showered, using Roy’s sandalwood soap again.

She had first started using this soap as a child when her father had brought it home. She loved the scent, so she kept using it. Later on, however, imported brands came into the market and Roy was slowly edged out by the competition. Furthermore, Clarissa had noticed that Damien scemed to be becoming more and more tender with her.

After turning the lights off, they would lie in bed together. He would lean in close to her car and ask her in a low volce, “Do you like this?” It would give Clarissa the feeling she was someone that he loved dearly. She would answer him from the bottom of her heart, saying, “I love it.”

Thanks to Dainien’s tenderness, Clarissa became even more gentle as well. Even Grandpa Lawrence noticed. He said, “You’ve been getting prettier, Clary.” “Really? Thank you, Grandpa.” She stole a glance at Damien, but he was poker-faced,

She knew that was how he was, so she didn’t say anything.

On Wednesday, Clarissa went to the shopping mall to relurn the clothes. At the same time, she wanted to take a look around

This time, she didn’t bring Lily along. She was afraid Lily would see right through her and make a huge fuss.

After returning the clothes, Clarissa went to the men’s department to look for a tie for Damien

She happened to see someone trying on ties there. It was Joseph. His company was near this shopping mall, and he had come here after getting off work. “What are you getting from the men’s department?” His eyes lit up when he saw her. At the same time, he seemed to shrink back.

“Oh, I’m here to buy my husband a tic,” Clarissa said. “Are you getting a tie, too?” “Yeah.” Joseph couldn’t really meet her eyes. Clarissa had thought things through. She didn’t think Joseph had done anything wrong. He wasn’t to blame for anything, and it was understandable that he had knelt before Damien for his father’s sake.


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