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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Your Hubby Is Leaving? “Why don’t we leave together?” Nicole offered when it was time to get off work

“Nah, I’m going back to the dorm. It’s near. I still have to work overtime today, anyway.” Clarissa was quick to decline, for she scared that the previous incident might repeat.

“I’ll be leaving, then,” said Nicole.


Nicole went downstairs, and saw Josephi waiting for her in the office lobby.

“Let’s go to the bookstore, Mr. Moore,” Nicole said. “Sorry for troubling you.” “It’s fine. About the certified public accountant, feel free to come to me if you have any questions.” Joseph seemed a little distracted when speaking to Nicole.

He kept looking around at people getting off work in the lobby, but he never saw the one he was looking for… Damien caught a glimpse of Joseph just as he was leaving his office. ‘Why is that man here?’ Nicole was just a very ordinary employee. Damien didn’t know her well, but he had heard Clarissa mention her name many times. It was normal for the finance department to be hiring. The hiring process wasn’t enough to alarm him, so he didn’t recognize that Nicole was walking with Joseph. Damien called Clarissa and asked, “Where are you?” “I’m at the office. I’ve got some more work to do.”

“Don’t you want to see me off?” Damien was relieved to know that Joseph hadn’t seen Clarissa

“I’m busy.” “Your hubby will be going first, then?” Damien teased Clarissa. “Sure. Goodbye.” After saying that, Clarissa hung up without hesitation. It seemed like Clarissa was unaware of Joseph’s visit. Damien, for his part, couldn’t understand why Joseph came here. Meanwhile, in Joseph’s car. “Where are we going, Mr. Moore?” Nicole asked. It was her first time successfully inviting Joseph on a date. She wanted to show this to Clarissa, but she didn’t expect the latter to decline the offer.

Her previous attempts to ask Joseph out on a date failed every single time. Therefore, Nicole took the plunge and applied to New East Corporation. She knew people would laugh at her decision to return to New East Corporation, but she did it anyway. After all, she was aware of how much Joseph liked Clarissa. Currently, Clarissa was working in the New East Corporation’s finance department. Perhaps Joseph would seek out Nicole for that very reason… Sure enough, Joseph came to meet Nicole just as she had predicted. However, his eyes were always darting around and looking for Clarissa.

“Let’s go to the Owlery,” Joseph said. “Yeals, okay.” Nicole nodded solemnly. When they arrived at The Owlery, they realized that the financial and cost management book was no longer available. Fortunately, Joseph and the owner of the bookstore had a good relationship as Joseph had signed books at The Owlery before. The owner said he would deliver the books to Joseph when they arrived.

“I’ll give it to you when he sends it to me. How about it?” Joseph asked Nicole.

“Sure, Joseph. Thiank you.” Nicole’s eyes lit up in delighted surprise. She stopped referring to Joseph as Mr. Moore, and called him directly by his name. She came to tlie conclusion that the book delivery would be another good excuse for a date.


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