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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 I’m Her Husband

Clarissa turned around, and saw Rebecca Steward exiting from another private room.

Damien knew who Rebecca was. She had interviewed Clarissa for the position of her assistant in a coffee shop before.

He wasn’t pleased about it. He said curtly to Clarissa, “I’ll be waiting in the car.”

Clarissa couldn’t care less about his frosty attitude. Ignoring him, she started chatting with Rebecca

“Why are you here? Don’t you have work?” Clarissa asked.

“Oh, I quit.” Rebecca replied, dissatisfaction evident in her glum tone. “You know Nicole, don’t you? She was from your company.”

“Yeah, I know her.”

“Well, ever since she became Joseph’s assistant, she’s been bossing everyone around constantly. The worst part? Joseph allowed it. Some of us quit because we couldn’t take it anymore. It’s really strange, though. Joseph wasn’t like this before,” Rebecca explained as she crossed her arms, sounding quite frustrated.

Clarissa wondered, ‘Could Nicole be the cause? She’s probably blackmailing Joseph, and he decided to keep quiet for my sake. In a way, I’m responsible for everything that’s happening.’

“So, what are your plans? Are you looking for a new job?” Clarissa asked again.

“Not really. I’m going to take a vacation before I get back to working again.” Rebecca let out a chuckle. “Who would’ve thought a famous accountant like me would be forced to leave by a complete nobody like Nicole.”

Clarissa smiled at Rebecca. “I’ll keep an eye out for any job openings for you.”

“There’s no need for that. If you ask me, you need to look out for yourself more.” Having said that, Rebecca left.

Once Clarissa got into the car, Damien asked, “What did you talk to her about?”

“Oh, it was nothing. She left her job and is now looking for a new one.”

“Why did she leave her job?”

Clarissa didn’t tell Damien the truth and replied casually, “Maybe she wanted a change of environment.”

With that, they returned to the company.

Surprisingly, Madelynn was there. She was waiting in Damien’s office, a tissue in hand. “What is it?” Damien took his blazer off.


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