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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Now that She’s Awake, Is She Coming Home?

Clarissa and Theresa chatted till late night.

Meanwhile, Damien had been waiting downstairs this whole time. Around 8.50 in the evening, he received a Whatsapp message from his assistant. A Word document was attached to it.

Damien’s assistant worked quickly and efficiently. He was able to track down Steven’s old subordinate, as well as the doctor who was in charge of Steven. From these people, he managed to discover the whole truth.

After Steven fell from the building, he was sent to The Affiliated Hospital of Genovia Medical University. Having broken his spine as a result of that fall, even if Steven’s injuries were to be fully treated, he would end up being permanently paralyzed. So, Steven went to his doctor and told him that he didn’t want to add to his family’s plate.

When Theresa went to the doctor’s office to discuss her husband’s condition with him, she heard that a young man was in desperate need of corneas. After that, she went back and brought it up as a side topic to Steven during a light conversation, as she sympathized with that young man.

Later on, Steven told Clarissa and Theresa that if he were to die, they must donate his corneas to that young man. However, he didn’t want to burden that youth by leaving his name in that incident, so he wished to be an anonymous donor.

Clarissa and Theresa were dedicated to taking good care of Steven, so they didn’t think much of his words.

One week later, Steven pulled the plug on his oxygenator willingly.

However, after he passed away, his information and medical records mysteriously vanished from the hospital’s database.

Back then, there was another terminally ill patient named Marcus York. He had a daughter named Madelynn.

Marcus passed away one day after Steven’s date of death.

That day, two things had happened in Genovia Medi-U Hospital; Marcus’s death and Damien’s surgery.

The director of this particular hospital happened to be Madelynn’s distant uncle.

The truth was that Marcus and Steven didn’t die on the same day. The latter had died one day before the former, but the information had been tampered with. It showed that Marcus’s day of passing was one day earlier than his original date.

Damien kept reading the Word document, feeling his eyes starting to go moist. He couldn’t imagine what Steven was feeling when he reached out to unplug his oxygenator, much less the feelings that surged in Madelynn’s heart as she did all those things in the past…

If it wasn’t for Theresa telling him all of these things, he would’ve been kept in the dark forever.

After all, the documents looked pretty much accurate. Damien had no idea that a man named Steven Johnson had once existed in this world. Even if he knew that something was up, he

wouldn’t be able to investigate this person.

As for the girl that held his hand, Madelynn kept claiming that she was her. Since Clarissa intended to hide the truth till the day she breathed her last, she would never tell him the truth even if she was the one.

Then again, an outsider could be the one holding his hand too.

The Word document also enlisted Steven’s favorite things and traits when he was still alive.

Shepherd’s pie was his favorite food. He was amazing at cooking clam chowder, and his daughter, Clarissa, was the apple of his eye. He hated using umbrellas whenever he went out. He was previously infected with pneumonia…


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