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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Clary

On the second day of the holiday season, Luke and Emily dropped by just after lunch.

Luke wore an obsequious look..

Emily, on the other hand, kept looking around the luxurious villa.

“Mom, I‘m here to see you. I went home yesterday, but the door was locked, so I figured that you were at Clary‘s house. This is my girlfriend, Emily Green.” He introduced Emily to Theresa.

Luke‘s gaze swept over his surroundings. He didn‘t see Damien or Clarissa around.

Theresa didn‘t like Emily. She felt that Emily‘s looks were a little too seductive, and no mother–in–law would like a daughter–in–law like her. Furthermore, Emily‘s eyes were

sweeping around everywhere. She seemed to be the type who would never be satisfied with what she had.

However, Theresa wasn‘t the type to make things tough for her children.

She hadn‘t raised Luke right, and she had spent the past six years in a coma. What right did she have to talk bad about someone else?

“Nice to meet you.” Theresa gave Emily a small gift.

Theresa‘s money came from Clarissa.

Emily accepted it, feeling disdainful.

Others gave expensive gifts during their first meeting. Here Theresa was, giving her something so cheap.

“Where‘s Damien?” Luke glanced around. When he still didn‘t see Damien, he asked Theresa about it.

“Probably upstairs, in the study.”

Without another word, Luke went upstairs.

Theresa lifted a hand to stop him, but Luke didn‘t even look at her.

She sighed. She definitely hadn‘t raised him well. He was so very rude.

Upon seeing this, Emily felt even more disdainful of Theresa.

Luke knocked on the door to Damien‘s study.

The human resource department had sent Damien the list of appointments and dismissals for the year, which he was currently going through on his computer.

“Luke?” Damien was surprised.


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