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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Was He Sick of Getting Jealous

Clarissa couldn’t fall asleep as she listened to Damien toss and turn in bed,

Grandpa l awrence was the one who told her to punish Damien, but

Initially, Damien held himself back. Eventually, he gave up and pinned Clarissa to the bed,

“Don’t you miss me at all?” he said to her huffily

The darkness made his voice sound even hoarser than usual.

“Why would I miss you when I see you every day?” Clarissa retorted,

“You know very well what you should be missing.” After that, he kissed her

Clarissa likened him to a starved wolf. He would only let her go after ripping her to shreds.

The next day, Clarissa drew a star after she finished writing her journal entry

She also wrote, “Damien’s a man who doesn’t stick to his word. He doesn’t even listen to Grandpa!”

“Clarissa Johnson! Where are you, you slut?!” Someone was causing a ruckus at the door,

Clarissa quickly closed her journal, and turned to see Nicole rushing toward her

Nicole hated Clarissa to the core.

Not everyone was allowed to come to the audit department, so a security guard was accompanying Nicole. He was trying to drag her away.

“You slut! It’s bad enough that you got the job from Brightside Investment. Why did you have to go boast to him about it? Do you know how distracted he’s been these days?! What right do you have to boast when you got the job because of Damien?” Nicole shrieked, her shrill voice shaking the air.

Clarissa, for her part, wanted to know how she had offended Nicole when all she did was collect some files,

“Everything was done according to the necessary procedures. What do you expect to achieve by causing a scene at New East Corporation’s audit department? That guy was the one who didn’t have the skills to win the job, so what does it have to do with Clarissa?” Janet didn’t raise her voice as she snapped at Nicole, but her tone was sharp.

Clarissa felt that something seemed off with Nicole.

“Was I talking to you?! I was talking to the slut! Are you a slut?” Nicole glared at Janet ferociously

At this moment, another person came out of the elevator. It was Joseph.

He knew that Nicole was here to harass Clarissa, so he grabbed her and turned to leave.

“What are you doing?” Nicole was raging at everyone she could get her hands on. “Back then, you turned me down even when your drink was laced, and it was just for her sake! You kept mumbling her name, and you’ve kept yourself chaste for her. We were so close to getting the project from Brightside Investment, but you didn’t say a word when she snatched it from under your very nose! How much do you care for her?!”

When Clarissa heard Nicole say that Joseph had kept himself chaste for her, she glanced at him. Coincidentally, he was sneaking a look at her as well.


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