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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276 He Is Manipulative

Shirley then headed toward Joseph‘s room.

Lately, he would lock himself in his room every time be reached home. It was clear he was depressed.

“What‘s wrong with you lately, Joseph?” Shirley asked gently.

“Oh... It‘s nothing. Just work problems,” Joseph replied,

He hadn‘t been doing well in his life lately. Not only did he fail to propose to the woman he loved, but his career was also filled with challenges. Thanks to Penelope‘s provocation, Nathan made a brash decision to become the biggest shareholder in First, However, he knew nothing about running a firm, so he was forced to watch Damien snatch all the available projects in one go. Naturally, Joseph‘s mood took a huge plunge downward. It was clear that he and Nathan didn‘t see eye to eye, so he got ready to resign from First.

“Are you still hung up on Clarissa?”

Joseph was surprised for a moment. “Yeah.”

To think he had failed his first proposal... He didn‘t know how to propose to her the second time.

Right now, he was stuck in this awkward situation.

“Son, let me ask you this. Are you the father of Clarissa‘s babies?” Shirley asked.

Joseph knew that if he were to say no, Shirley would never welcome Clarissa into the family. Hence, he replied, “Yes.”

Shirley nodded thoughtfully in response. “Are you sure? After all, the mother knows best when it comes to this thing,” she asked seriously. She had to get to the bottom of the identity of the babies‘ real father. Joseph remembered seeing the humanoid figure sleeping next to Clarissa on the day he went to her house.

Despite feeling jealousy brimming in his heart, he still replied, “Yes, I‘m sure of that. I impregnated her during our trip in Kortel. She may be living in Damien‘s house right now, but she never had any intimate relations with him. Damien definitely plays a huge role in the death of Clarissa‘s mother, so she hates his guts right now.”

“Really?” Shirley continued. Luke did tell her that Clarissa was in a bad mood even though she was living in Atherton Garden,

“Yes. I did propose to Clarissa, but she turned me down.”

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“Is that why you‘re in such a bad mood lately?” Shirley asked. “Then again, why did she reject your proposal if she liked you so much?” Joseph thought for a moment. “Well, she didn‘t really reject me. The moment I proposed to her, the housekeeper returned.” “What if I ask her to get married to you instead?” Shirley suggested.

Now that she got to hear Joseph‘s voice again, her heart was flooded with relief. She thought Clarissa would never look back to the past, especially now that her mother was dead.

Shirley had Joseph tell her Damien‘s address in Atherton Garden. She would pay Clarissa a visit tomorrow.

Joseph reminded her that all corporations would be starting work tomorrow, so Damien would most likely be at work by then.


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