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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Her Heart Yearned for Him Again Even though Damien knew of Emily‘s schedule and whereabouts very well, he couldn‘t forcibly bring her to Clarissa and make her spit out the truth.

Regardless of the identity of the true murderer, be it Patrick or Damien, the fact still stood – the Lawrences were the ones who killed Theresa.

Damien didn‘t want Clarissa to hate him, but he didn‘t want her to direct her hatred to Patrick as well. In the end, he could only insist that Theresa‘s death was an accident.

On the way home, Clarissa had nothing to do, so she started looking through her social media.

She discovered that Madelynn had posted something on her homepage a few days ago. There was a picture of a table filled with delectable cuisines attached to the post. The status read: [Dining with the man of my dreams.]

Madelynn even pinned the location of the restaurant, which happened to be the same one Damien had taken Clarissa to in the past. The date matched the day Lily and Clarissa had gone out to lunch together. The post was uploaded to Madelynn‘s homepage around noon as well. During those few days, Damien had moved back to the Hill Villa, so Clarissa had no idea what his schedule was like.

However, she was confident that Madelynn‘s so–called man of her dreams was Damien.

Anxiety flickered in Clarissa‘s eyes when she realized something. Did Damien overhear her speaking about her plans to fly overseas in January? Was that the reason why he was adamant that she showed up at the company today, just to remind everyone that she still existed?

Clarissa couldn‘t help but frown. Damien was an incredibly frightening person who knew everything

A few days later, it was time for another prenatal check–up.

As Clarissa progressed into the third trimester, her prenatal check–ups became more and more frequent. Now, she was at the stage where she had to attend weekly check ups to keep track of her blood sugar.

This time, she didn‘t tell Damien that she was going for her check–up. Well, Clarissa had never told him in the past anyway.

She tended to inforin Mrs. Faber early in the morning before sending Leah a Whatsapp message.

The latter was always the one who informed Damien about the check–ups.

Leah: (Mr. Lawrence, Mrs. Lawrence wants me to accompany her to her prenatal check

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up. I‘m on the way to Atherton Garden right now.)

Damien sent a voice message in return. “Return to me once you‘ve dropped her off at the hospital.”

Leah: [Got it.]

Upon reaching the hospital, Leah told Clarissa that she would wait for her downstairs, so Clarissa and Mrs. Faber were the only ones heading upstairs.

It was Bethany‘s shift today.

Clarissa tended to go for her prenatal check–ups during Bethany‘s shifts.

Bethany glanced through Clarissa‘s vitals and stats before remarking, “You‘re doing a pretty good job in controlling your blood sugar. How‘s he doing in terms of self control?”

“What?” Clarissa didn‘t understand the question.

“I‘m talking about your husband. Has he been forcing himself onto you lately?” As a doctor, Bethany didn‘t feel embarrassed about asking private questions.

“Oh. Well, he hasn‘t done anything to me lately. In fact, he‘s rather calm these days.” Even Clarissa had no idea why Damien became so calm all of a sudden. It was as if nothing in this world could piss him off.


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