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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 288

Chapter 288 Where‘s President Lawrence Going? Moreover, Damien had told Ray that Clarissa was already six months pregnant.

This meant he was worried about her as well, and didn‘t want her to be working when she was already so far along.

Clarissa recalled a WhatsApp message Rebecca had sent to her a few days ago. Rebecca said that Great West‘s business had been affected by First and was doing pretty badly. Nathan had changed First‘s name to “Transcendence Accounting Firm”, but the company hadn‘t gotten a single project after that. The firm was already having problems paying its staff.

Aside from that, Rebecca had also sent another WhatsApp message to Clarissa.

Rebecca: (Clarissa, don‘t you think Penelope‘s just asking for trouble? With you around, at least she could put food on the table. Yet she was dumb enough to offend you.

However, the person Penelope had truly offended was Damien.

He had taught her a lesson on Clarissa‘s behalf.

Her heart softened at this thought. Damien‘s phone rang. “At night? Where?” “Club Halo? Okay.”

He hung up. Clarissa frowned when she heard “Club Halo” and turned to look out the window.

The thunder clapped loudly. It was going to pour soon. Damien caught her expression through the rearview mirror. “I‘m going to a club tonight. I‘ll send you home first,” he said.

“Whatever.” She closed her eyes.

Perhaps it was an aftereffect of Damien saying she wasn‘t that important. She didn‘t say anything else.

Damien didn‘t get out of the car. Because it was going to rain, he drove into the basement and asked Mrs. Faber to pick Clarissa up and bring her upstairs before leaving

Mrs. Faber had already prepared dinner. There was a casserole, fish sticks, and some vegetables.

“Where‘s President Lawrence going?” she asked.


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“To a club,” Clarissa replied nonchalantly as she ate. “A club?” Mrs. Faber frowned. “What‘s he up to there?”

“I don‘t know.”


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