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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 305

Chapter 305 As Their Mother, You Can't Even Decide? Leah drove with Janet in the passenger seat, while Damien and Clarissa sat in the backseat.

“I don't know whether it's appropriate for me to say this. It might sound a little harsh.” Janet looked at them through the rearview mirror. “One of you is injured, and the other is pregnant. You two don't look like you can handle yourselves at all." “We have a housekeeper," Damien said. Clarissa kept thinking about the fact that the babies were his. Since Dennis already knew, Damien would find out sooner or later. She would probably be better off letting him know as soon as possible. They were going to pass by the place where they had been held up by traffic earlier. “Let's go and buy the babies some things," Clarissa suddenly said to Damien. Though it was an ordinary sentence, it made Damien's heart soften. His Adam's apple bobbed. “What do you want to buy?” “I don't know. We're having a boy and a girl, so let's get them some clothes. I'm almost due, anyway." She rubbed her belly. "I don't think I'll have the time and energy to come out when my belly gets bigger.” "You and me?” Damien turned to gaze at her belly. "Yeah." "You can send Janet back to the company first. No need to hang around waiting for us,” Damien told Leah. He and Clarissa got out of the car and walked into Babyland. It had two floors, and it looked spacious and luxurious. Clarissa held onto Damien's uninjured arm as they walked around the store. It was only at this moment that she realized how many things they needed - bottles, pasties, baby shampoo, shower gel, as well as diapers. In truth, her goal wasn't to buy things for the babies. She wanted to take this opportunity to tell Damien that he was their father. She picked out an outfit for a baby boy, then asked him with a smile, “Do you think this looks good?" "It's fine if you think it is." He didn't know anything about choosing clothes for babies. "You're their dad, aren't you? You could at least give me your opinion," Clarissa said. "As their mother, you can't even decide?” "No, I can't. That's why I need you to help me out.” She called a store clerk over.“ Does this outfit have a corresponding one for baby girls?”. "I'm sorry, Madam. This outfit was only made for boys. We don't have any for girls.” "Oh, is that so?” Clarissa couldn't help feeling disappointed. At the same time, there was a hint of an ominous premonition. She quite wanted one for a girl. “Do you have any outfits that are available for both boys and girls? We're having twins of opposite sexes, and we want them to wear the same thing.” “Let me see whether I can find you anything." The store clerk walked away, and Clarissa followed. Damien was on the phone, so he didn't go along. When he hung up, he called Leah and told her to come to pick them up. After paying, he held the things that Clarissa had bought with his left hand, and they got into the car. “We're going to be handling Rhythmic Technology's audit from now on. They even specifically asked for you to do it,” Damien said. “Aren't we already overloaded? Why didn't you turn them down? Director Conrad's going to blow his top again. I've just started working on the finance department's audit." Clarissa frowned. She was starting to suspect that these people were trying to squeeze out every last drop of her energy before she was due. “There's no other choice. We have an investment in this company, and it's important for us to understand their finances, I know I can trust you to do the job." "And why so? Do you think of me as your confidante?" Clarissa looked rather displeased. “Aren't you?” he asked in return. Chapter 305 As Their Mother, You Can't Even Decide? She nodded thoughtfully. As expected of Damien! He was much more farsighted than others. “I bet they're just doing this because of your reputation,” she said. “My reputation?" Damien's lips curved into a faint smile. “I hope so.” The person who had called him earlier was the general manager of Rhythmic Technology. He said that Landon was the one who had recommended New East Corporation's audit department to them, and had even emphasized that there was an “outstanding auditor, Clarissa Johnson”.


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