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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 31 These People Are Terrifying “What about Clarissa? Isn’t this her grandmother’s funeral?” Landon asked.

“It‘s not convenient for her to go. President Lawrence won’t allow her to go, but she suspects something’s up with her grandmother’s death. That’s why she wants us to go.” Lily told him the details.

He kept nodding as he listened.

“How about this? I‘ll go up on my own while you wait downstairs. I’ll see what I can find out,” Landon said. “Great. You’re a really good friend, huh? Her husband only knows how to control her, so we have to help her out, as her friends,” Lily said meaningfully. Landon didn‘t look too happy. “Of course, but President Lawrence is controlling her for her own good. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn‘t allow her to go, either. She‘s already so far along.” Lily didn‘t say anything. ‘Shouldn‘t he have said if he were in the same situation, he wouldn‘t have allowed his wife to go? Why is he still talking about Clarissa?‘ This meant that every time he imagined someone else as Clarissa‘s husband, he was thinking about himself.

Though Landon hadn‘t said or done anything else, he couldn‘t hide the fact that he liked Clarissa.

Lily was already halfway through giving up on him. She had always known that Landon had a crush on Clarissa. On this day, however, she had finally truly accepted it. “Clarissa transferred ten thousand dollars to me. I‘ll transfer it to you, and you can use it as you see fit.” After that, she transferred the money to him.

They soon arrived at Pentatone County and headed to Peter‘s neighborhood. Landon parked the car downstairs. Lily waited in the car while he went up on his own. Peter was alone in the living room.

“You are…” he asked. “Oh, I‘m the son of a friend of your mother. I heard she passed away, so I came to take a look at things.” Landon then added, “This is a little something to show my condolences.”

He handed an envelope full of money to Peter. Peter felt it, and it was pretty thick. He immediately had a good impression of Landon and stopped asking about Landon’s background. No con man would give him so much money. “The burial was this morning, so you can just pay your respects here,” Peter said. He led Landon to a photograph of the old lady. While Landon paid his respects, Peter went to the kitchen.

They had hired a professional team to handle the funeral, and the house was in a mess after the whole ordeal. Peter started to clean up the house.

“Connie, do you think we should tell the police about this? That celebrity Madelynn York has to be the one behind this! How can we allow her to roam freely when we’ve suffered such a huge loss?” A voice rang out from one of the bedrooms.

The apartment wasn’t big, to begin with. It also had poor soundproofing, and Landon could. hear every word.

“Tell the police about what?! The moment they get here, they’ll find out what really


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