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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Do You Miss Me Already?

The reason Arisona Construction appointed Clarissa was because they knew that she was the one in charge of managing their accounts.

However, she had only done that in First, not for New East. If Clarissa sourced out her work in First, that would be a breach of confidentiality and work ethics. It would land her in deep. trouble if Arisona Construction were to use that fact against her in the future.

Thinking back, James and Mr. Lark were more than willing to present their accounts to New East back then. Since they were obviously trying hard to get on New East’s good side, why would they pull funny tricks on her?

Confused, Clarissa made a phone call to Damien instantly.

“Hello, President Lawrence,” she said.

“We’ve only been separated for a few minutes. Do you miss me already?” he said.

“That’s not it. Has Arisona Construction always been eager to form a partnership with New East?” she asked.

Last year when Clarissa paid a visit to Arisona Construction, she still remembered clearly how James was always trying to get on her good side in order to please Damien into giving them more projects. Until now, Arisona Construction had only taken on subcontracted projects, but never long-term projects. They had been asking New East to give them more opportunities, but to no avail.

“Yes, but I rejected their proposal because they didn’t have enough funds.”

“Alright, thank you for letting me know.” After that, Clarissa hung up.

After confirming her speculations, Clarissa knew exactly why Arisona Construction was luring. her into their trap. They wanted to use her blunder into exchanging a partnership with New East. Their intentions were quite obvious.

“Janet, please tell them that their accounts from last year are not under New East’s

possession. If they want me to do the job for them, ask them to provide us with their report. from last year. It’s true I managed their accounts, but I did it for First, not for New East. If I were to present the accounts for them, I would be breaching First’s confidentiality of company information,” Clarissa explained.

“See, I knew that something was wrong! I’ll give Mr. Lark a call about it.” After that, Janet made a phone call to Mr. Lark and made it a point that Clarissa wouldn’t source out her work from First no matter what.

Mr. Lark sounded apologetic. “Oh, I’m really sorry. I’ve completely forgotten that Clarissa is working for New East now.”

Mr. Lark told James what happened, but he was berated for trying to pull tricks on Clarissa. How dare you pull these dirty tricks on New East! Let’s pray Damien Lawrence didn’t see through your intentions. If he did, don’t ever dream about having any potential partnerships with New East anymore! As punishment for your stupidity, you won’t be getting your salary for next month!”

Mr. Lark resisted the urge to retort and swallowed his pride. Right now, he only hoped Clarissa


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