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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 337

Chapter 337 It Happened In The Past The moment Clarissa returned to Damien’s office, she saw an unexpected guest.

It was Monica Newton. Sobbing uncontrollably, Monic wailed, “Damien, are you just going to sit there and watch Madelynn get bullied by Connie? She’s just an assistant! How dare she report to the authorities and accuse Madelynn of sending hate mail to her house! She’s obviously lying! Now Connie is in Twinsville, stirring trouble for Madelynn again!”

“Madelynn’s all the way at Twinsville, and I’m at Genovia right now. How am I supposed to help her? What’s more, nothing major happened to Madelynn, right? What are you fussing about?” Damien sat at his desk while smoking a cigarette, looking unbothered. When he saw Clarissa, he squashed the cigarette butt in the ashtray immediately. “Madelynn has no choice but to defend herself when Connie’s acting hostile toward her,” Monica said, glancing warily at the person entering the door.

This was the first time she had seen Clarissa, who was heavily pregnant

A thought crossed her mind. ‘So this is Madelynn’s rival.’

Looking at Clarissa’s baby bump, Monica was furious.

‘No matter what, I’ll make sure she suffers from a miscarriage by creating a huge misunderstanding between them!’ “”Clarissa? Why are you here?” Damien asked. “Oh, it’s nothing.” With Monica here, Clarissa felt it inappropriate to discuss that issue regarding Cindy and Connie right now.

“Six years ago, you got Madelynn pregnant. Do you remember that? Back then, your business was in shambles. Madelynn didn’t want to burden you with her pregnancy, so she lied to you about going to Emmeria to further her studies. Knowing that you were at the start of rebuilding your business, Madelynn thought it was better for her to abort the baby without your knowledge. She didn’t want anyone to know, but I knew about it. When I went to visit her, the sight of her pale face broke my heart. She even told me to keep it a secret from you so you could focus on your work! After I heard that, I cried the entire night feeling bad for my daughter. Now that your business has taken a good turn, she returned from Emmeria and invested in your company. She planned to keep the abortion a secret, but I have no choice but to break it to you today. After everything that Madelynn had gone through for you, Damien, do you really have the heart to abandon her when she’s in desperate need of help?” After spewing all that, Monica bawled her eyes out.

Clarissa’s heart was racing, and she immediately felt breathless.

She shot a furious glare at Damien. She didn’t expect Damien to have impregnated Madelynn in the past.


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