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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 339

Chapter 339 Clarissa’s Fate “Why is the ring with you?” Clarissa touched the ring, examining it thoroughly. “I saw it at Grandma’s bed after she passed away. At first, I wore it around because I think it looked pretty, but bad things kept happening to me ever since I put it on!” With one of her eyes being bandaged heavily, Connie looked unbelievably ridiculous. However, her amusing appearance didn’t match her eerie and terrifying tone. “Why?” Clarissa was confused.

“How would I know? At first, I thought Madelynn was the one pulling tricks on me behind my back. After she hurt my eye yesterday at Townsville, everything made sense! Your enemy saw the ring on me and targeted my family by sending white phosphorus to my house! That’s how it burned up our house, along with Grandma! You’re the culprit who ultimately led to Grandma’s demise! You’re responsible for everything that happened to us!” Connie blurted in anger

Hearing her bold accusation, Clarissa’s stomach writhed in pain even further.

“How do you know that the ring’s mine?” Clarissa asked.

“You’re the only one who visited Grandma. If it’s not yours, then whose is it? Yesterday, I went to Townsville to confront Madelynn but she dared to throw ashes on my face! When I went to the toilet to clear my eye, I heard someone talking on the phone. Even though she was whispering, I could still hear the exact words that she said. She was tasked by someone to murder the person wearing this exact ring! They attempted to burn me alive that time, but Grandma was the only one who got caught up in the fire. Clarissa… Not only did you put my life in jeopardy, but you also murdered your own grandmother! You deserve a miserable death!”

“You’re lying.” Clarissa examined the ring and added, “This ring doesn’t have any value at


Clarissa wanted to gouge Connie’s reaction to see if she was actually lying or not.

“If you’re not pregnant right now, I would’ve thrown you into the lake! I’m certain you’re the one attracting all these misfortunes to our household! Grandma died because of you! There’s another thing that I want to tell you. It’s true that Madelynn was pregnant with Damien’s child six years ago, but she decided to abort it. I wonder how Damien will react when he realizes the truth. I bet he’ll feel very guilty about it!” After that, Connie left proudly The moment Connie left, Clarissa’s complexion turned pale


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