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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 358

Chapter 358 Leave Damien “What are you doing?” Clarissa immediately stood in front of Lily protectively

“Are you Miss Johnson? My boss would like to invite you for a conversation”

Clarissa was suspicious of the man. “Who’s your boss?”

That man shouldn’t be Joseph. He wouldn’t pull off mysterious stunts like this

“Leave now, or I’ll call the police!” Lily warned

However, the man simply told her politely, “We won’t harin Miss Johnson at all. All our boss wants to do is to talk to her. He’ll only take twenty minutes of her time at most You don’t have to follow her into the car If we refuse to let her go when the time’s up, or when half an hour has passed, you can always call the police on us”

Clarissa and Lily exchanged quiet glances

The former wanted to see what the man and his boss were up to, so she said to Lily, “Cross the street and wait for me there. If I’m not back in half an hour, you can call the police” “Okay,” Lily replied solemnly. After that, she crossed the street and arrived at a street truck parked there.

There were a lot of customers lining up in front of the street truck, so Lily wasn’t afraid of being alone She fixed her gaze on the business car without the intention to look away

“Connie’s grandmother got burned to death. After that, she lost her role in ‘Manor of the Marquis’ and almost got her face ruined by strong acid. Do you know about these incidents, Miss Johnson?” A deep voice drifted from the passenger seat in the business car Clarissa couldn’t see his appearance clearly. All she knew was that he wore a black suit and had a frightening voice

The atmosphere in the car was dark and gloomy. Not only that, but it felt stressful just being inside the car with that mysterious man He didn’t look like he was here to joke around

Clarissa’s heart started beating wildly. Connie did say that everything happened because of that ring

So, that woman wasn’t lying at all

“Yeah ” Clarissa’s expression darkened as well

“Good We finally realized that you’re the owner of that ring Perhaps the ill-fated incidents that happened to Connie will happen to you in the future as well Before those misfortunes befall you, we’d like to give you a piece of advice. Your husband invested in Rhythmic Technology, didn’t he? The matter of the collaboration being canceled is just a minor punishment. It’s to prove to you that we have the power to do whatever we want, MISS Johnson. As for what will happen to you in the future, we have no idea as well The misfortunes may befall on your son or your husband while your husband is a very capable man, that won’t stop us from doing what we want We’re in the open, and he’s kept in the dark. You must divorce Dannien right now. Miss Johnson

What the man said were the incidents that did happen in the past The way they hinted at incidents that would happen in the future lelt Clarissa shivering in cold sweat


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