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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 373

Chapter 373 You Want Me? Ten days later…

Photos of Damien and Lucy being intimate in bed inade headlines. The whole of Genovia now knew about Clarissa leaving the country and Damien becoming single once more, so many people had their eyes on him. As a tall, dark, and handsome man who was also rich, it was only natural for him to have a new lover!

In truth, Connie had hired someone to edit these photos.

She first hired a couple to pose naked in bed there were photos of them kissing and touching each other-and then had someone to edit Damien and Lucy’s faces onto their bodies. The doctored photos were close to perfect.

At Damien’s office.

He was smoking while going through the photos. They were pretty racy, to say the least. “Damien! Have you seen the photos?” Ray barged into the office while holding his phone “Why are you so flustered?” Damien asked with narrowed eyes

“How can I not be?! We all know the type of person you are. These photos have to be fake, right?” To be honest, Ray wasn’t exactly sure whether Damien had really done these things.

Clarissa had just left, and Damien was a man at his prime. It was only normal for him to do something like this without a woman by his side. Yet why had he been photographed? “Oh? What sort of person am I to you?” Damien asked, filled with interest. “You’re a noble and upstanding man with great taste. No ordinary woman can catch your eye, let alone someone like her. Right?” Ray asked, though he sounded a little unsure.

Damien didn’t answer Ray. He merely smiled.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

After half a beat, the door was pushed open. A timid-looking woman walked in. Her head was half-bowed, and she was tearful She wrung her hands and sniffled.

Ray watched her closely and recognized her to be Lucy, the woman in the photos. Upon closer scrutinization, he remembered her to be the woman whose car had broken down a few days before Neil’s celebration.


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