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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395 Cooking That for Me Iris didn’t even bat an eyelid at Clarissa’s claim. She burst into laughter. “Who am I, then? Should I show you my family tree, Miss Johnson?”

Iris appraised Clarissa

This was also her first time seeing Clarissa up close. Clarissa’s youth and beauty were enough to make one jealous. Plus, she was tall and elegant…

Ha, elegant!

At this moment, Clarissa regretted her words. She shouldn’t have blurted out her observations so rashly, and to Iris’s face, too.

The reason Clarissa said this woman wasn’t Iris was because she didn’t have a mole on her ear.

Now that Iris was aware of this, she would definitely find a way to rectify the problem.

Then again, perhaps she had already gotten rid of the mole.

“Another thing, Miss Johnson. I won’t be going against you and President Lawrence anymore. Wouldn’t I just be making life difficult for myself? Here, your mother’s phone number.” Iris stuffed a piece of paper into Clarissa’s pocket before leaving When she was gone, Clarissa immediately took Neil out of Mrs. Faber’s arms. It had been a long time since she had last seen him, and she missed him terribly.

She smothered him with kisses.

Iris’s words kept reverberating in her mind, however.

To be honest, Clarissa would only ever think of Theresa as her mother. Now that Theresa was dead, Clarissa no longer had a mother. She didn’t feel a thing for her biological mother.

Still, she couldn’t help feeling curious about Helen.

Of course, Clarissa didn’t believe Iris’s words. But the fact Iris could produce an identical ring was enough to show that Clarissa really did have something to do with the Benson and Jackson families

“Madam, you won’t be leaving now that you’re back, right?” Mrs. Faber was happy to see that Clarissa was back.

“I’ll still need to finish up my studies, but I had to come back to make sure that Neil’s fine.” Clarissa didn’t want to let go of Neil.

At least, she didn’t need to look at his photos anymore.

Neil kept touching her face. He didn’t seem to recognize her, but he was curious.


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