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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 President Lawrence Will Fall For It Clarissa was very happy and excited after finalizing this matter.

It was the first time that Clarissa did this kind of business that was more than 100,000 dollars, so she was a little nervous.

Clarissa was afraid that she would encounter scammers or gangsters, so she asked Lily to go with her.

Lily did not need to lay low anymore, so she was quite losty.

She agreed to Clarissa’s request without hesitation.

“Actually, it’s better to get another man to accompany us for this kind of thing. It’s best if you get President Lawrence to go with you. Who would dare to lie to him? No one would have the balls to do so!” Lily ate some snacks while she talked to Clarissa.

“It’s not tliat simple. We’re not on good terms now. Besides, this has to do with my ex boyfriend. I’ll be out of my mind to ask him to come with me,” Clarissa said.

“Why did you argue with him? You saw how his random act of liking your post changed our situation so drastically. Everyone just wants to suck up to this man, but you do the exact opposite!” Lily said disapprovingly

“Don’t mention it. I’ve been buttering up to him…” Until now, Clarissa did not know why Damien suddenly asked her to move out.

How would she know how to please Damien if she did not know what angered him?

“Just beg him and act coquettish, President Lawrence will definitely fall for it!” Lily said again.

“How do you know? Have you acted coquettishly in front of him before?” Clarissa said with a sour tone.

“I wouldn’t dare! I didn’t even get a chance to meet him.” Lily began to be coquettish in front of Clarissa. “But on a serious note, my sister is coming to bring me food this afternoon.”

“Your sister? Isn’t your sister about to go into labor? Don’t you feel embarrassed asking a pregnant woman to deliver you food?”

“She’s not coming in person. She asked her brother-in-law to come. I heard that he’s also very handsome,” Lily said with a look of fascination.

“Haven’t you met him before?”

Lily rolled her eyes at Clarissa. “No. He didn’t attend my sister’s wedding back then because he was out of town.”

“I’ll check him out for you in the afternoon!”

At six o’clock in the evening, the doorbell rang, and Clarissa went to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, “Landon?”



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