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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Reason for Dumping Damien to Madelynn “Enter” Damien’s cold and emotionless voice drifted from his office, giving Clarissa the Ymission to enter that private spice She stood right in the middle of his office without a word, her eyes narrowed in silent fury. Damien leaned back on his chair, and began to study Clarissa. “I see money is an incentive for you to come here instead of my command,” Damien pointed out sanonically “Stop beating around the bush, Mr. Lawrence. I’m busy with the accounting sheets right now,” Clarissa retorted with a deadpan tone.

“I lost something at home. I was wondering if you’ve seen it.”

Clarissa frowned slightly as she listed her head to look at Damien. What did he mean by that? Why would he look for her immediately when he lost something at home?

Perhaps. Was he insinuating that she was a thief? “Didn’t you take away the marriage certificates? If it wasn’t you, that means someone broke into my house. I’ll have to call the police,” Damien said seriously.

Clarissa managed to calm down. As it turned out, he wasn’t blaming her at all

Then again, she was afraid that he might actually call the police. So she quickly replied,” That’s right. I was the one who took the marriage certificates.”

“Oh? What’s the reason behind that? Is it so you can take the initiative to divorce me?”

Clarissa’s answer was immediate. “Precisely.”

Damien started laughing The sound was a mocking one, as if he was teasing Clarissa for being naive “Don’t you know that a divorce can only be legally processed when both parties are present?”

“Of course!”

“Since that’s the case, why did you dump me to Madelynn? Do you think you can do that just because you have the marriage certificates with you?” Damien’s angry gaze was fixated on Clarissa

Fire burned in his dark eyes, as if he had seen through every one of Clarissa’s thoughts.

Clarissa, for her part, could feel her emotions going rampant. Her mind was quickly thrust into a world of chaos. At the same time, she could feel a cold chill traveling down her spine. The sensation was similar to when someone had just betrayed her innermost secrets.

Why must Madelynn tell Damien everything? Why was it that he would always believe that hateful woman’s words?

The sight of Clarissa looking so angry and helpless simultaneously made Damien smirk. He seemed to have seen through her as he commented, “It seems you did say something along those lines before.”

Clarissa wasn’t a liar. She couldn’t pretend she never said those things before, so she could

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