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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Blinded Everyone with Their Love Originally, Grandpa Lawrence’s birthday was intended to be celebrated by three people only. Now, an extra member had joined their ranks.

Madelynn even ordered a huge cake for Grandpa Lawrence. She was also the one who put on the birthday hat for him.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The caretaker went to open the door, only to discover an unwanted guest standing at the doorway. It was none ollier than Luke, Clarissa’s brother.

When Clarissa noticed her brother, she was so surprised that her face went white. She knew he was unable to extort Damien previously, so he came all the way here on purpose.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded harshly. “Why would you ask me that question, dear sister? It’s my grandfather-in-law’s birthday today! Why can’t I pop over to celebrate as well? We’re all family here, aren’t we? Happy birthday, Grandpa Lawrence!” Luke gifted Grandpa Lawrence a bouquet of flowers.

Clarissa knew Luke would never do this out of the kindness of his own heart. Thus, she remained vigilant around him.

Damien knew about Luke’s purpose of coming here as well. But since Grandpa Lawrence was there, Damien chose to spectate coldly and see what Luke would do.

“Clary, who’s this…?” Grandpa Lawrence asked.

“oh! I’m Luke Johnson, Clarissa’s older brother. When ! dropped by last time, you happened to be sleeping.” Luke shimmicd over to the dining table and quickly took a seat there. His actions were so natural, one would have thought he owned the place.

“Oh? Is that so? Damien, wly didn’t you invite our close relatives here in the first place?” Grandpa Lawrence turned to look inquiringly at Damien.

Madelynn simply sat there and watched the drama happily. She intended to drive a wedge between Clarissa and Damien today, but her gut told her that Luke was up to no good as well.

“Don’t blame him, Grandpa. Typically speaking, I shouldn’t be here,” Luke reasoned. “My sister was the one who told me about the marriage contract. Isn’t that right, Clarissa?”

The atmosphere at the table became awfully silent as soon as Luke said that.

Clarissa kept shoveling food into her mouth with her head bowed, lier complexion stark white. She had never told Luke about the marriage contract before. How on earth did he know?! “Huh? Marriage contract? What’s the deal with that?” Madelynn asked, fanning the flames. She started orchestrating the scene with Luke.

Madelynn could already spot Clarissa’s pale face, and was quick to take advantage of this fact “Why don’t you tell us the full story, Clarissa?” Luke turned his gaze to Clarissa.

It was painfully obvious what Luke wanted to do. If Clarissa decided to yield and give him money, he wouldn’t say a word about the contract. On the other hand, if Clarissa decided t resist stubbornly, then Luke couldn’t care less about the consequences. He felt that his siste


old man’s well being Luke was a brutal character who chose the perfect timing. The second Clarissa looked lesllant, Grandpa Lawrence would surely notice that something was wrong.

“Marriage contract? This is my first time hearing of It,” Damien shot Luke a terrifyingly cold glance, causing the latter to shudder Instinctively.

Luke quickly averted his gaze and looked at Clarissa.

When he noticed how silent and pale she looked, he knew that the marriage contract was the real deal.


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