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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Heartbroken

Damien was changing his clothes in the bedroom,

He shot the pregnancy report and the ultrasound report a quizzical look. Even though they were forged, they looked so authentic that one could confuse them for the real deal.

That thought made him pause in his actions. He seemed to have gone into a trance.

Clarissa entered the room soon enough. Her expression was no longer as dramatic and charining as it was during the meal downstairs.

On the contrary, she appeared exhausted. The moment she entered the room, she didn’t waste any time plopping herself onto the bed. Having gritted her teeth and overcame the challenge earlier, she let out another breath of relier.

However, there were more important things for her to deal with later. Now that she was pregnant’, how would she be able to get rid of the baby via a well-timed ‘miscarriage’? Clarissa mumbled softly, as if she was talking to herself, “It’s a good thing Grandpa didn’t suspect us. I’m scared that he’ll be sad once he finds out the truth.”

“So, are you pregnant or not?” Damien asked in a serious and cold tone. “Huh?” Clarissa opened her eyes and stared at the man, who was five steps away from her. ” Why are you asking me that question too? Shouldn’t you know the chances of me being pregnant?”

Damien would use contraceptive measures every time they were intimate together. Naturally, that was what Clarissa meant by pregnancy chances

He also knew it was very easy for her to get someone to write up a pregnancy report for her.

However, he couldn’t help but yearn for an impossible reality in his heart. ‘What if…?’

Condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective in pregnancy prevention, after all.

“Who was the one who wrote up the report for you?” Now that Damien knew Clarissa’s pregnancy was fake, his mood took a downward plunge. “My friend, Bethany. She, Lily, and I are best friends. We’re like the Golden Trio,” Clarissa replied. “Oh?” The sight of Clarissa looking so relieved ticked Damien off for some reason. “The Golden Trio? Which character would you be?”

“Me?” That topic caused Clarissa’s eyes to light up, as if she was reminiscing about her time in high school with her best friends. “I’m the sassy and explosive friend in the trio!”

Following this declaration, she did a cool pose with her hands.

“Yeah, I can see that. You’re the type who goes around breaking hearts,” Damien snorted. “Huh?” Clarissa didn’t understand what he meant. She could sense that Damien wasn’t in a good mood, and thought to hersell, ‘Today is Grandpa’s birthday. Besides, we managed to overcome an obstacle together, didn’t we? Why doesn’t he sound happy at all? He’s just as unpredictable as the weather in June!’

“Ugh! What did I do this time?” Clarissa sounded quite upset. “Are you angry because of my brother? I didn’t tell him about the marriage contract! He was the one who somnichow managed to land the guess! What good would come to me if I told him all about it? The contract would automatically end the moment I tell someone else anyway, so why would I go around doing that?”

Damien, however, stayed silent and didn’t reply to her. However, he did his best to torment Clarissa in bed that night. Tears kept welling in Clarissa’s cyes while she was doing the deed with Damlen. “Why are you doing this? Is it because I hurt Madelynn by claiming that I’m pregnant? Are you heartbroken because of that?” “Yes! My heart aches so much right now, but it’s not because of her!” “Then what’s the reason?”

Clarissa couldn’t help but think, ‘Whatever! You’d never be heartbroken because of me, anyway’ Damien, on the other hand, seemed to have been possessed by lust. He staunchly refused to reply to lier; instead, he just kept kissing and sucking on her neck repeatedly.

On Monday, everyone in the company was gossiping heatedly about Clarissa’s pregnancy.

When Clarissa was about to pour lierself a cup of coffee in the pantry, one of lier colleagues even went as far as to drop her some kind advice. “Clarissa, coffee’s bad for your health. You should drink some milk or water instead.”

Once Clarissa returned to her desk, she found out that someone had left a new padded cushion on her chair.

When people came across her, they didn’t dare to bump into her at all in order to prevent any unwanted accidents from happening.

Their exaggerated consideration was strange to Clarissa, who was rather bewildered about it

Since Lily was the only one who knew about her supposed ‘pregnancy,’ Clarissa opened Whatsapp and demanded answers from the former.

Clarissa: (Did you tell the entire company about my pregnancy?]

Lily: (Nope! Just now, a colleague asked me where I went on Sunday. I told her I had to deliver something to you. She was like, “Did you go to Mr. Lawrence’s house? What did you deliver?” Since I saw Madelynn there with you guys that day, I decided to tell her that I brought your pregnancy report for you. !f Madelyno dares to bother Mr. Lawrence ever again, everyone in the company will know she’s a pathetic homewrecker. If Mr. Lawrence dares to do anything with her, that means he’s cheating on you. Either way, the internet will go viral with their news. Now, hurry and praise me! I did a great job, didn’t !?)


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