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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Clarissa Blocked His Number After they returned to the dormitory, Clarissa went to her room to tidy up. Since she had decided to quit her job, she proceeded to write a resignation letter. Lily, on the other hand, was mustering the courage to send Damien a message. However, she didn’t have his personal number.

Being an ordinary employee, Lily wouldn’t have known Damien on a personal level if it wasn’t for Clarissa.

Feeling anxious, she managed to find Damien’s number through the group chat they were both in from their training workshop. The message she sent was this. Lily: (I’m reaching out to talk to you about Clarissa.]

It only took a few seconds for Damien to reply.

That prompted Lily to type out an essay Fearing that her superior would judge her writing ability, she made sure that there were no typos belore sending it out.

The blue tick indicated that Damien had read hier message.

Only then did lie find out that Madelynn liad tricked him into believing that Clarissa was pregnant. If she was never pregnant, low could she have aborted the baby?

The revelation did make him less angry. Although he was greatly disappointed, he understood that everything was just a huge misunderstanding In the end, Lily told Clarissa wliat she did. Although Clarissa was quite annoyed by it, she didn’t hold a grudge. After all, Clarissa was perfectly aware that Lily was simply looking out for her.

However, Clarissa was still annoyed by Madelynn’s power over Damien and the fact that he always trusted whatever Madelynn said, no matter how ridiculous her words were.

Soon, Damien sent a message to Clarissa.

Damien: (Come home now.) However, the message didn’t go through at all since Clarissa had already blocked his number on Whatsapp All his life, Damien had never been blocked by someone before. This was a first.

He was so furious that he laughed out loud.

“This is just ridiculous!” he muttered under his breath. He called her numerous times, only to receive an automated response. “The number you have dialed is currently unavailable.”

It seemed she had blocked his mobile number as well.

He didn’t know how long Clarissa would keep this up.

As a compromise, he was willing to give her another week to calm her nerves.

Come Monday morning, however, he didn’t expect Howard to present a letter of resignation from Clarissa.

She sounded oddly polite in the letter, saying that although she loved her colleagues and that the company did support her career journey, she still decided to leave New East Corporation. In the letter, she stated she would give Damien two to four weeks to find a replacement. “Mr. Lawrence, I don’t understand why Clarissa would resign. She’s always been a diligent employee in the finance department.” Howard sounded confused. As the director of finance, Howard had always been the peacemaker between Damien and Clarissa.


Though Howard wasn’t sure of the exact reason behind Clarissa’s resignation, he knew she wasn’t the type to throw in her resignation because of something as stupid as an argument.


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